

Meeting of the ADALEP network 2023

On October 24 and 25, the Ecosens department hosted the ADALEP (Adaptation of Lepidoptera) national network days on the INRAE Versailles-Saclay campus. Around two plenary conferences given by invited researchers from New Zealand (Invasomics Lab; Institute for Plant and Food Research). These days brought together more than twenty presentations on invasions, expansion fronts, adaptation and […]

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Müllerian mimicry among bees and wasps: a review of current knowledge and future avenues of research

A study in Biological Reviews led by researchers from the Institute of ecology and environmental sciences – Paris, the Institute of Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity and the Center for Ecology and Conservation Sciences makes the synthesis of published knowledge on Mullerian mimicry in aculeate wasps and bees. It argues that aculeates may be one of the most diverse groups of mimetic organisms and that the diversity of their mimetic interactions is currently underexplored.

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reine termite

How do termite queens and kings stay healthy for decades?

Reproductive and worker castes of termites differ greatly in their morphology and behavior but also in their fertility and longevity. Kings and queens of the highly social termite, Macrotermes natalensis, live for decades, with the queen laying thousands of eggs per day. Workers are sterile and only live a few weeks. In our HFSP project, we investigated the regulatory mechanisms involved in generating such diverse phenotypes. Our previous results indicate that well-regulated transcription allows reproductive castes to overcome simultaneously several well-known hallmarks of aging.

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Organization of the 11th International Workshop on Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera

Emmanuelle d’Alençon (UMR DGIMI, Montpellier) and Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly (UMR iEES-Paris CReA –EcoSens, Versailles) had the pleasure of organizing the 11th international workshop on the molecular biology and genomics of the Lepidoptera. For nearly 30 years, this workshop has brought together the international scientific community working on butterflies and moths every 3 years. Thirteen nationalities met this […]

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Aude et Thomas

Vaisala supports iEES Paris in environmental research on insect pest

Since 2016, the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (iEES Paris) at the Sorbonne University in Paris has been using the Vaisala Continuous Monitoring System to record data in real time and control the temperature and humidity of chambers used for insect breeding and experimentation. The IEES develops innovative strategies and tools for the rehabilitation of damaged environments, the ecologically sustainable management of biological resources and ecosystem services, and adaptation to global change. 

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How to live in the city when you are an ant? (Live City of Paris)

As part of a partnership with the City of Paris, several members of the laboratory (Basile Finand, Céline Bocquet, Pierre Federici, Thibaud Monnin et Nicolas Loeuille (“EERI” Team of “DCFE” Department and “ESEAE” Team of “EcoEvo” Department) sample the soil fauna and in particular the ants in the Parisian green spaces. To popularize and explain this […]

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Habitat fragmentation prevents species from tracking climate change

Climate changeaffectsbiodiversity globally, by forcing species to shift their distribution to track the changes in temperature. An international collaboration between scientists from France, Sweden, the Netherlands and Finland shows, in an article published in the journal Ecology Letters,that habitat fragmentation caused by human activity affects distribution shifts in butterfly species and, hence, their capacity to cope with climate change.

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