Membre de iEES Paris présents à l'EGU2023

iEES Paris at EGU 2023

EGU 2023 was held this year in Vienna, Austria from April 23-28. iEES Paris was strongly represented with the participation of 9 of our team members: BioDIS, EMS, from the DCFE Department and FEST, F2ZC from the Sols_ZC Department.

The EGU General Assembly 2023 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

Here are their contributions:

EGU23-5072 * | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight How to mitigate global change impacts on soil health? 

Cornelia Rumpel
Wed, 26 Apr, 08:35–08:45   Room K2

EGU23-5362 | Posters on site | BG3.1 Impact of evolutionary populations on soil organic matter characteristics 

Cornelia Rumpel, Charlotte Vedere, Giovanna Visioli, Laura Gazza, and Gianni Galaverna
Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45   Hall A | A.215

EGU23-15615 | Orals | BG3.19 Effects of earthworm functional traits on CO2 and N2O emissions from casts 

Yacouba Zi, Marie-France Dignac, Nicolas Bottinelli, Yvan Capowiez, Alessandro Florio, and Cornelia Rumpel1
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:45–16:55   Room N2

EGU23-3366 | Orals | SSS6.1 | Highlight Diversity of soil biopores and their influence on soil water infiltration under various pedoclimatic conditions 

Charlotte Védère, Hanane Aroui Boukbida, Yvan Capowiez, Sougueh Cheik, Guillaume Coulouma, Rinh Pham Dinh, Séraphine Grellier, Claude Hammecker, Thierry Henry des Tureaux, Ajay Harit, Jean-Louis Janeau, Pascal Jouquet, Jean-Luc Maeght, Cornelia Rumpel, Stéphane Sammartino, Norbert Silvera, Siwaporn Siltecho, Lotfi Smaili, Bounsamay Soulileuth, and Nicolas Bottinelli
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:20–12:30   Room K2

EGU23-13193 | Orals | SSS4.7 Heterogeneity and C dynamics in soil 

Naoise Nunan, Hannes Schmidt, Claire Chenu, Valerie Pouteau, and Xavier Raynaud
Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–08:50   Room K2

EGU23-6714 | Orals | SSS4.5 | Highlight Interactions among earthworms species affect soil functioning
Thomas Z. Lerch, José H.R. Araujo, Yvan Capowiez, Anne Pando, Christian Hartmann, and Lise Dupont
Thu, 27 Apr, 09:45–09:55   Room 0.96/97

EGU23-2978 | Orals | SSS5.2 Co-composted biochar enhances soil fertility more than individual additives 

Irina Mikajlo, Brice Louvel, Jaroslav Záhora, Thomas Z. Lerch, and Bertrand Pourrut
Tue, 25 Apr, 15:35–15:45   Room -2.20

EGU23-13087 | Orals | BG3.1 Plant community changes in the arctic: effects on Carbon and Nitrogen stocks distribution in the environment. 

Hugo M. G. Potier, Xavier Raynaud, Yannick Agnan, Alienor Allain, Maryse Rouelle, and Marie A. Alexis
Fri, 28 Apr, 11:15–11:25   Room N2

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