Cette photo montre un collembole Folsomia candida adulte mesurant environ 2mm de long.

Diversity, plasticity and asynchrony of senescence in the Collembola Folsomia candida

Flourishing recent comparative studies on senescence have revealed an uncovered diversity across the tree of life of the shapes of the age trajectories of mortality (actuarial senescence) and to a lesser extent of reproduction (reproductive senescence). Evolutionary theories have been called up to explain why some species suffer from positive senescence while others benefit from […]


Meeting of the ADALEP network 2023

On October 24 and 25, the Ecosens department hosted the ADALEP (Adaptation of Lepidoptera) national network days on the INRAE Versailles-Saclay campus. Around two plenary conferences given by invited researchers from New Zealand (Invasomics Lab; Institute for Plant and Food Research). These days brought together more than twenty presentations on invasions, expansion fronts, adaptation and […]


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How can research for biodiversity allow us to draw inspiration from it and live in harmony with it? | FRB

Discover the answer of Luc Abbadie, emeritus professor of ecology at Sorbonne University and former director of iEES-Paris.

Carbon sinks, an opportunity for the climate | CNRS

With the participation of Cornelia Rumpel (CNRS), biogeochemist and Marie-Liesse Aubertin, doctoral student at iEES-Paris.



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About Publications

Our work is published in recognized and quality journals. A large part of our work is done in collaboration with other laboratories, in particular foreigners for 60% of our publications. We must underline the high number of review articles, which greatly contribute to the construction of general and theoretical knowledge, and which are often published in prestigious journals such as Trends in Ecology and Evolution , < i> Annual Reviews , Global Change Biology . or Advances in Ecological Research .

Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology

Elliot Gould, Hannah S. Fraser , Timothy H Parker , Shinichi Nakagawa, Simon C. Griffith, Peter et al , 2023

Spatial heterogeneity of nitrification contributes to tree-grass coexistence in West African savannas

Konaré, S., K. F. Koffi, S. Boudsocq, J. Gignoux, J.-C. Lata, X. Raynaud, and S. Baro Journal of Ecology, 2023

A general meta-ecosystem model to predict ecosystem function at landscape extents.

Harvey E.*, Marleau J.*, Gounand I., Leroux S., Rauen Firkowski C., Altermatt F., Cazelles K., D'Aloia C., Donelle L., Gravel D., Guichard F., McCann K., Ward C., and Fortin M.-J Ecography, 2023 sous presse