Département Sols dans la Zone Critique "Sols_ZC" - iEES Paris

Le département Sols dans la Zone Critique (Sols_ZC) s’intéresse aux mécanismes qui régulent le fonctionnement des écosystèmes ainsi qu’aux processus de transfert d’eau et de matière dans la zone critique, du sol au bassin versant.
zone critique

Les compétences du département recouvrent les sciences du sol et de l’eau(pédologie, agronomie, hydrologie de surface, limnologie, approches bio-physico-chimiques du fonctionnement du sol), le traçage chimique et isotopique de l’origine et du devenir des flux de gaz à effets de serre, d’eau, de nutriments, de matière et de composés organiques.

Les activités du département portent plus particulièrement sur les cycles de l’eau, du carbone et de l’azote ainsi que sur le stockage, la minéralisation et l’érosion des sols en relation avec l’activité biologique l’usage des sols et la production agricole, en particulier dans les pays du Sud.
Ces activités utilisent des approches expérimentales sur le terrain (dispositifs de suivi et de mesures in situ) et au laboratoire, et participent au développement d’observatoires de l’environnement (Trop-OZCARM-TROPICS) avec pour objectif principal d’intégrer les processus de transfert d’eau et de matière dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.

Équipes du département "Sols_ZC"

Fonctionnement Écologique des Sols Tropicaux et tempérés


Actualités du département

Publications du département

Ne concerne que les publications de 2017 à aujourd’hui. Pour voir toutes les publications dirigez-vous vers la page Publications.

RéférenceLiensJournalEquipes et départements
Faucher, M., Grellier, S., Chaudron, C., Janeau, J.-L., Rudi, G., Vinatier, F., 2024. Mediterranean vineyard soil seed bank characterization along a slope/disturbance gradient: Opportunities for land sharing. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 361, 108821. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2023.108821
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Agriculture, Ecosystems & EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Lai C.° Muon R~., Touch V.A, Hin S.* Podwojewski P.*, Ket P.*, Jouquet P.*, Degré A., Ann V.*, 2023. Impact of biochar from rice husk on nutrient distribution, and rice growth and yield: A soil column experiment. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutritionhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-023-01539-2
Journal of Soil Science and Plant NutritionFESTSols_ZC
​Raddadi, A., Podwojewski, P.*, 2023. The internal structure of spring mounds of Nefzaoua oasis in Tunisia: formation of an original geomorphic structure. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, esp.5734, 1-17https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5734
Earth Surface Processes and LandformsFESTSols_ZC
​Rajhi H., Bardi A., Ajmi L., Hazoug M., Henry des Tureaux T.*, Haq I., Bousnina H., Abichou M.*, Podwojewski P.*, 2023. Effect of multi sourced compost on a rainfed olive tree grove in arid land: Management practices to adapt to global climate change., Journal of arid environments. 218 (2023). 105058https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2023.105058Journal of Arid EnvironmentsFESTSols_ZC
​Labiadh, M. T.`, Rajot J. L.*, Sekrafi S.`, Ltifi M.`, Attoui B.`, Tlili A.`, Hlel M.`, Bergametti G., Henry des Tureaux T.*, Bouet C.* (2023) Impact of land cover on wind erosion in arid regions: a case study in southern Tunisia, Land, 12, 1648.https://doi.org/10.3390/land12091648
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LandF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Pierre C.*, Rajot J. L.*, Faye I.`, Dorégo S.`, Bouet C.*, Marticorena B., Bergametti G., Ka A.`, Amar B.`, Tall A.`, Diagne N.`, Féron A. (2023) A contrasting seasonality of wind erosivity and wind erosion between Central and Western Sahel. Aeolian Research, 62: 100879https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeolia.2023.100879Aeolian ResearchF2ZCSols_ZC
​Muon R.~*, KetP.*, Sebag D., Aroui-BoukbidaH.*, Podwojewski P.*,Hervé V., Ann V.*,Jouquet P.*, 2023.
Termite constructions as patches of soil fertility in Cambodian paddy fields. Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00640
Geoderma regionalFESTSols_ZC
​Bouet C.*, Labiadh M. T.`, Pierre C.*, Sekrafi S.`, Henry des Tureaux T.*, Ltifi M.`, Bergametti G., Marticorena B., Abdourhamane Touré A.`, Rajot J. L.* (2023) What drives wind erosion in cropped areas? A case study in southern Tunisia, Catena, 223: 10696410.1016/j.catena.2023.106964
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Honvault, N.; Houben, D.; Lebrun, M.; Vedere, C.; Nobile, C.; Guidet, J.; Kervroedan, L.; Aubertin, M.-L.; Rumpel, C.*; Faucon, M.-P.; Dulaurent, A.-M. (2023) Positive or neutral effects of biochar-compost mixtures on earthworm communities in a temperate cropping system. APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 182, 10468410.1016/j.apsoil.2022.104684
​​​​​​​Colombini G., Rumpel C*., Houot S., Biron P*., Dignac M.–F*. (2022) A long-term field experiment reveals the accumulation of high amounts of microplastics in soils amended with composted waste residues. Environmental Pollution​, 315:12036910.1016/j.envpol.2022.120369
Environmental PollutionCoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Erktan, A., Coq, S., Blanchart, E., Chevallier, T., Trap, J., Bernard, L., Nahmani, J., Hartmann, C., Hedde, M., Ganaulat, P., Barot, S., Cortet, J. and, 2022. Biodiversité et structure physique des sols : une vision spatialisée du fonctionnement des sols. Etude et Gestion des Sols 29, 153–167. ​Etude et Gestion des SolsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; EERIDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; EPEEcoEvo ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​​​​Valentin C.*, Pacteau C.* (2022). Alimentation : usages et gestion des sols en 2050. Regards croisés, 44: 35-37.​0regards croisésFESTSols_ZC ; UCCRN
​Le Mer G~​, Bottinelli N*, Dignac M-F*, Capowiez Y, Bouquet P, Mazurier A, Baudin F, Caner L, Rumpel C* 2022. Exploring the control of earthworm cast macro- and micro-scale features on soil organic carbon mineralization across species and ecological categories. Geoderma​, 427:116151 10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116151
GeodermaCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
​Podwojewski, P.*, Poulenard, J., Toulkeridis, T. Gräfe, M., 2022. Polygenic soils in the southern central Ecuadorian highlands as the result of long-lasting pedogenesis, geodynamic processes and climate change. Journal of South American Earth sciences10.1016/j.jsames.2022.104096
Journal of South American Earth sciencesFESTSols_ZC
​Maestre, F.T. et al. Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands (2022) Science (2022) 10.1126/science.abq4062ScienceF2ZCSols_ZC
​Jouquet P.*, Harit, A., Bottinelli, N.*, Eldridge D.J. 2023. Termite bioturbation: different building strategies lead to different soil sheeting stability. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 176, 10886810.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108868Soil Biology & BiochemistryFESTSols_ZC
Védère C, Lebrun M, Honvault N, Aubertin M-L, Girardin C, Garnier P, Dignac M-F*, Houben D, Rumpel C* 2022. How does soil water status influence the fate of soil organic matter? A review of processes across scales. Earth Science Reviews​, 234:104214 10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104214
Earth Science Reviews​CoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Rumpel, C.*, Amiralani, F., …..Varela-Ortega, C. (2022) The role of soil carbon sequestration in enhancing human resilience in tackling global crises including pandemics. Soil Security, 8: 100069.​10.1016/j.soisec.2022.100069Soil SecurityFESTSols_ZC
​Cheik S.~, Harit A.^, Bottinelli N.*, Jouquet P.* (2022) Bioturbation by dung beetles and termites. Do they similarly impact soil and hydraulic properties?. Pedobiologia, 150845.10.1016/j.pedobi.2022.150845PedobiologiaFESTSols_ZC
​Védère C., Lebrun M., Biron P ., Planchais S., Bordenave Jacquemin M., Honvault N., Firmin S., Savouré A., Houben D., Rumpel C. (2022). The older, the better: Ageing improves the efficiency of biochar-compost mixture to alleviate drought stress in plant and soil. Science of The Total Environment. 85610.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158920
Science of The Total EnvironmentAPCEIPE ; EMSDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
​​​​​​​​Maïga-Yaleu, S.B., Cissé, A.-C., Kaboré, S.A., Hauswirth, D., Issa, O.M., Kaire, M., Moussa, I.B. and Nacro, H.B. (2022) Evaluation of Combined Landscape Restoration Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Semiarid Regions of Burkina Faso. Open Journal of Soil Science , 12, 503-522 10.4236/ojss.2022.1210021Open Journal of Soil ScienceF2ZCSols_ZC
​Xiao B., Bowker M.A., Zhao Y., Chamizo S., Malam Issa O.* (2022) Biocrusts: Engineers and architects of surface soil properties, functions, and processes in dryland ecosystems. Geoderma 10 10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116015​GeodermaFESTSols_ZC
El Hayany, B.`, Rumpel, C.*, Hafidi, M.`, El Fels, L.`(2022) Occurrence, analysis of microplastics in sewage sludge and their fate during composting: A literature review. Journal of Environmental Management, 317: 115364.10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115364
Journal of Environmental ManagementFESTSols_ZC
​​​​​Coq S, Ganault P, Le Mer G~, Nahmani J, Capowiez Y, Dignac M-F*, Rumpel C*, Joly F-X 2022. Faeces traits as unifying predictors of detritivore effects on organic matter turnover. Geoderma 422, 115940.​10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.115940
GeodermaCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Lewandowski D, Robain H*, Clergeau P, Le Roy R (2022) Bioreceptivity of Living Walls: Interaction between Building Materials and Substrates, and Effect on Plant Growth. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=421518710.2139/ssrn.4215187Geography Research NetworkF2ZCSols_ZC
Gangneron, F., Pierre, C.*, Robert, E., Kergoat, L., Grippa, M., Guichard, F., Hiernaux P., & Leauthaud, C. (2022). Persistence and success of the Sahel desertification narrative. Regional Environmental Change, 22(4), 1-11.10.1007/s10113-022-01969-1
Regional Environmental ChangeF2ZCSols_ZC
Hedde M., Blight O., Briones M., Bonfanti J., Brauman A., Brondani M., Calderon R., Sanou I.C., Clause J., Conti E., Cortet J., Decaëns T., Erktan A., Gérard S., Goulpeau A., Joimel-Boulanger S., Jouquet P.*, Guiiarme N., Capowiez, Y. (2022) A common framework for developing robust soil fauna classifications. Geoderma 426, 116073.10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116073
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​Jouquet P.*, Bultelle A.*, Djouraev I.*, Caquineau S.*, Hervé V.*, Vasseur-Cognet M.* (2022) Termite graveyards. Hidden geochemical patches? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 170: 1-7, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108678
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Suvannang N`​, Hartmann C*, Iwai Chuleemas B`, Jaiarree S`, Daungkamol K`, Polsrakhu P`, Sukchan S`, Sapet A`​, Pierret A*, Brauman A, Hammecker C, Robain H​* (2022) Soil priorities: Opportunities and challenges in Thailand.  Geoderma Regional, 30 (2022) : e00536 ​10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00536
Geoderma RegionalBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Alfaro S. C., Bouet C.*, Khalfallah B., Shao Y., Ishizuka M., Labiadh M.`, Marticorena B., Laurent B., Rajot J. L.* (2022) Unravelling the roles of saltation bombardment and atmospheric instability on magnitude and size distribution of dust emission fluxes: Lessons from the JADE and WIND-O-V experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres, 127(12): e2021JD035983. 10.1029/2021JD035983JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-
Boithias, L.; Ribolzi, O.; Rochelle-Newall, E.*; Thammahacksa, C.; Nakhle, P.; Soulileuth, B.; Pando-Bahuchon, A.*; Latsachack, K.; Silvera, N.*; Sounyafong, P.; Xayyathip, K.; Zimmermann, R.; Rattanavong, S.; Oliva, P.; Pommier, T.; Evrard, O.; Huon, S.*; Causse, J.; Henry-des-Tureaux, T.*; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Sipaseuth, N.; Pierret, A.* (2022) Escherichia coli concentration, multiscale monitoring over the decade 2011-2021 in the Mekong River basin, Lao PDR. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 14(6), 2883-289410.5194/essd-14-2883-2022
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​Pongmala, K.~, A. Pierret*, P. Oliva, A. Pando*, V. Davong`, S. Rattanavong`, N. Silvera*, M. Luangraj`, L. Boithias, K. Xayyathip` L. Menjot, M. Macouin, E. Rochelle-Newall*, H. Robain*, A. Vongvixay`, A. J. H. Simpson, D. A. B. Dance and O. Ribolzi (2022). “Distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei within a 300-cm deep soil profile: implications for environmental sampling.” Scientific Reports 12(1): 8674.10.1038/s41598-022-12795-0Scientific ReportsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Raddadi, A., Podwojewski P.*, 2022. Spring mounds of the Nefzaoua oases in Tunisia: Irreversible degradation of exceptional geomorphic structures. Journal of Arid Environments. 205 (2022) 10480610.1016/j.jaridenv.2022.104806
Journal of Arid EnvironmentsFESTSols_ZC
​Weber B., Belnap J., Büdel B., Antoninka A., Barger N., Chaudhary V., Darrouzet-Nardi, A., Eldridge D., Faist A., Ferrenberg S., Havrilla C., Huber-Sannwald E., Malam Issa O.*, Maestre F.T., Reed S., Rodriguez-Caballero E., Tucker C., Young K., Zhang Y., Zhao Y., Zhou X., Bowker M. What is a biocrust? A refined, contemporary definition for a broadening research community. Biological Reviews, 97: 1768-1785 10.1111/brv.12862Biological ReviewsF2ZCSols_ZC
​Araujo J.H.R.~, Pando-Bahuon A.*, Hartmann C.*, Desjardins T.*, Aroui-Boukbida H., Lerch T.Z*. (2022) Making green(s) with black and white: constructing soils for urban agriculture using earthworms, organic and mineral wastes? Frontiers in Ecology and evolution, 10:884134 10.3389/fevo.2022.884134
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Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Puche, N.^, Rumpel, C.*, Le Mer, G.​~, Jouquet, P.*, Mauzirier, A., Caner, L., Garnier, P., Tran, T.M.`, Bottinelli, N.*(2022) Mechanisms and kinetics of (de-)protection of soil organic carbon in earthworm casts in a tropical environment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 170, 10868610.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108686
Soil Biology & BiochemistryFESTSols_ZC
Jouquet P.*,Harit, A.`, Hervé V.,Moger H.,Carrijo T.`,Donoso D.A.`,Eldridge D.,Ferreira da Cunha H.`,Choosai C.`,Janeau  J-L*,Maeght J-L.*,DoanThu T.`,Briandon A.°, DahbiSkali M.`°, Van Thuyne T., Mainga A.,PatriciaPinzon O.`,Malam Issa O.*,Podwojewski P*, Rajot J-L *, Henri-des-Tureaux T.*, Smaili L.*, Labiad M., Aroui Boukbida H*, Shanbhag R, Ratha M., Vannak A., Cheik S., Fall S., Traoré S., Dupont S., Chouvenc T., .Mullins Aaron J., Syaukani S., Zaiss R.*, Minh Tienk T., Šobotník J.,Auclercy A.,Qiu R., Tang Y-T., Huot H., Sillam-Dussès D., Bottinelli N.* (2022) The impact of termites on soil sheeting properties is better explained by environmental factors than by their feeding and building strategies. Geoderma 412, 15: 115706 10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.115706
GeodermaF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Raddadi A.`, CallotY.`, Podwojewski P.*., 2021. Un patrimoine en péril : lestertres duNefzaoua dans le sud tunisien. In: Reynard, E. et Bussard J.(Eds.)Géopatrimoines et territoires. Geo-Regards, 14, 95-118.10.33055/GeoRegards.2021.014.01GéoregardsFESTSols_ZC
​Daudin K., Weber C., Fouché O.*, Maton L., 2022. Soil-water adaptive management process: the case of on-site wastewater treatment systems in peri-urban areas in France. Environmental Challenges 7: 100506. 10.1016/j.envc.2022.100506
Environmental ChallengesFESTSols_ZC
Minasny, B., …..Rumpel, C.*, ….Soussana, J.-F.(2022) Current NPP cannot predict future soil organic carbon sequestration potential. Comment on ‘Photosynthetic limits on soil carbon sequestration in croplands’. Geoderma, 424, 115975.​10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.115975
​Janeau J-L*, Intanon S`, Pansak W`, Rodprai C`, Anusorn K`, Hammecker C, Grellier S. 2022. Slope position and biochar influence soil properties and seed displacement in a tropical agroecosystem. European Journal of Soil Science 73: e13216.10.1111/ejss.13216
European Journal of Soil ScienceF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Chabbi, A., Rumpel, C.*, Hagedorn, F., Schrumpf, M., Baveye, P. (2022) Editorial: Carbon storage in agricultural and forest soils. Frontiers in Envrionmental Science, 10: 848572​10.3389/fenvs.2022.848572
Frontiers in Environmental ScienceFESTSols_ZC
Audoux, T.; Laurent, B.; Marticorena, B.; Bergametti, G.; Rajot, J. L.*; Feron, A.; Gaimoz, C. (2022) Wet Deposition Fluxes of Mineral Dust and Their Relation With Cold Pools in the Central Sahel. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 49(4), e2021GL09500510.1029/2021GL095005
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​Cissé A-C, Maïga-Yaleu S.B., Kaboré S.A., Kairé M., Hauswirth D., Malam ISSA O*., Bouzou Moussa I. and Nacro H.B.,Long-term effect of forest and landscape restoration practices on soil organic carbon stock in semi-arid Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 16(1): 329-344 10.4314/ijbcs.v16i1.28International Journal of Biological and Chemical SciencesFESTSols_ZC
​Poblete-Grant P., Cartes P., Pontigo S., Biron P*., de la Luz Mora M., Rumpel C.* (2022) Phosphorus fertiliser form determined the allocation of root-derived organic carbon to soil organic matter fractions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108614SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRYEMSDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Bergametti, G.; Rajot, J. -L.*; Marticorena, B.; Feron, A.; Gaimoz, C.; Chatenet, B.; Coulibaly, M.; Kone, I.; Maman, A.; Zakou, A. (2022) Rain, Wind, and Dust Connections in the Sahel. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 127(3), e2021JD03580210.1029/2021JD035802
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Kopittke, P.A., Berhe, A.A., ….Rumpel, C.*, …Minasny, B. (2022) Ensuring planetry survival: the centrality of organic carbon in balancing the multifunctinal nature of soils. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 4308-4324.​10.1080/10643389.2021.2024484
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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and TechnologyFESTSols_ZC
Belle, S.-L.; Riotte, J.; Backhaus, N.; Sekhar, M.; Jouquet, P.*; Abiven, S. (2022) Tailor-made biochar systems: Interdisciplinary evaluations of ecosystem services and farmer livelihoods in tropical agro-ecosystems. PLOS ONE, 17(1) e026330210.1371/journal.pone.0263302
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Menghao Zhang, Pascal Jouquet*, Jun Dai, Ling Xiao, Yan Du, Kexue Liu, Mikael Motelica-Heino, Patrick Lavelle*, Hesen Zhong, Chi Zhang. (2022). Assessment of bioremediation potential of metal contaminated soils (Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn) by earthworms from their tolerance, accumulation and impact on metal activation and soil quality: A case study in South China. Science of The Total Environment, 152834 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152834
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Science of the Total EnvironmentBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Capowiez Y, Decaëns T., Hedded M., Marsden C., Jouquet P*., Marchan D.F., Nahmani J., Pelosi C., Bottinelli N* (2022 ) ​Faut-il continuer à utiliser les catégories écologiques de vers de terre définies par Marcel Bouché il y a 50 ans ? Une vision historique et critique. Etude et Gestion des Sols, 29: 51-58
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Etude et Gestion des SolsFESTSols_ZC
Le H. T.~, Pommier T., Ribolzi O., Soulileuth B.`, Huon S.*, Silvera N.* and Rochelle-Newall E.* (2022) Overland flow during a storm event strongly affects stream water chemistry and bacterial community structure. Aquatic Sciences. 84 :00 110.1007/s00027-021-00839-y
Aquatic SciencesCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Hachgenei, N.; Vaury, V.*; Nord, G.; Spadini, L.; Duwig, C. (2022) Faster and more precise isotopic water analysis of discrete samples by predicting the repetitions’ asymptote instead of averaging last values. METHODSX, 9, 10165610.1016/j.mex.2022.101656
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Baveye, P.C.; Balseiro-Romero, M.; Bottinelli, N.*; Briones, M.; Capowiez, Y.; Garnier, P.; Kravchenko, A.; Otten, W.; Pot, V.; Schluter, S.; Vogel, H.-J. (2022) Lessons from a landmark 1991 article on soil structure: distinct precedence of non-destructive assessment and benefits of fresh perspectives in soil research. SOIL RESEARCH, 60(4), 321-33610.1071/SR21268
Zarai, Besma; Walter, Christian; Michot, Didier; Montoroi, Jean P. (2022) Hachicha, Mohamed. Integrating multiple electromagnetic data to map spatiotemporal variability of soil salinity in Kairouan region, Central Tunisia. JOURNAL OF ARID LAND10.1007/s40333-022-0052-6
XIAO B., BOWKER M. A., ZHAO Y., CHAMIZO S., ISSA O. M. (2022). Biocrusts: Engineers and Architects of Surface Soil Properties, Functions, and Processes in Dryland Ecosystems. Geoderma, 424, 116015https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116015
Abbas A., Baek S., Silvera N.*, Soulileuth B.`, Pachepsky Y., Ribolzi O., Boithias L., Cho K. H.` (2021) In-stream Escherichia Coli Modeling Using high-temporal-resolution data with deep learning and process-based models. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 6185–6202​10.5194/hess-25-6185-2021
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Hydrology and Earth System SciencesF2ZCSols_ZC
Xu-Yang, Y.; Losno, R.; Monna, F.; Rajot, J.-L.*; Labiadh, M.; Bergametti, G.; Marticorena, B. (2021) Compositional data analysis (CoDA) as a tool to evaluate a new low-cost settling-based PM10 sampling head in a desert dust source region. ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 14(12), 7657-768010.5194/amt-14-7657-2021
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​Jouquet P.*, Henry-des-Tureaux T.*, Bouet C.*, Labiadh M.`, Caquineau S., Aroui Boukbida H.*, Garcia Ibarra F.~, Hervé V., Bultelle A.*, Podwojewski P.* (2021), Bioturbation and soil resistance to wind erosion in Southern Tunisia, Geoderma, 2021, 403, 115198. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115198
GeodermaF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Harit A.`, ​Jouquet, P.* (2021) Origin and dynamics of termite mounds in southern India. Asian Soil Research Journal 5 (4) 19-23 10.9734/ASRJ/2021/v5i430115Asian Soil Research JournalFESTSols_ZC
Koutika, S.L., ….Rumpel, C.*(2021) Does introduction of N2-fixing trees in forest plantations on tropical soils ameliorate low fertility and enhance carbon sequestration via interactions between biota and nutrient availability? Case studies from Central Africa and South America. Frontiers in Soil Science, ​1:75274710.3389/fsoil.2021.752747Frontiers in Soil ScienceFESTSols_ZC
Pierre C*., Hiernaux P., Rajot J.L.*, Kergoat L., Webb N., Abdourhamane Touré`, Marticorena B., Bouet C.* (2021) Wind erosion response to past and future agro-pastoral trajectories in the Sahel (Niger). Landscape Ecology, 37(2), 529-550.10.1007/s10980-021-01359-8
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Gilmulina, A., Rumpel, C.*, Klumpp, K., Chabbi, A. (2021) Do grassland management practices affect soil lignin chemistry by changing the composition of plant-derived organic matter input? Plant and soil, 469: 443-455.​10.1007/s11104-021-05174-7
Plant and SoilFESTSols_ZC
​Deeb, M.~, Grimaldi, M.*, Aroui, H.°, Mthimkhulu, S.*, Van Antwerpen, R.*, & Podwojewski, P. *, 2021. Long-term effect of sugarcane residue management and chemical fertilization on soil physical properties in South Africa. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 85: 1913–193010.1002/saj2.20326
Soil Science Society of America JournalFESTSols_ZC
Nieves, F.A., …..Rumpel, C.*, ….(2021) Current wildland fire patterns and challenges in Europe: a synthesis of national perspectives. Air, Soil and Water Research, 14: 1-19.​10.1177/11786221211028185
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Air Soil and Water ResearchFESTSols_ZC
Rumpel, C.*, Chabbi, A.(2021) Managing soil organic carbon for mitigating climate change and increasing food security. Agronomy, 11: 1553.​10.3390/agronomy11081553
Sadda AS.~, Malam Issa O*., Jangorzo N.S., Saïdou A-A., Issoufou H.B-A., Diouf A. Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke infestation and distribution as affected by soil properties and varieties at the plot and landscape scales in cowpea-based cropping systems. 00:1–13. 10.1111/wre.12510
Weed ResearchF2ZCSols_ZC
Jouquet P.*, Ann V.`, Choosai C.` (2021) Bioturbation and ecosystem services in agroecosystems. Les dossiers d’Agropolis International. Special Partnership Issue, pp 128.Les dossiers d’AgropolisFESTSols_ZC
​Barthod J~​, Dignac M-F,* Rumpel C* 2021. Effect of decomposition products produced in the presence or absence of epigeic earthworms and minerals on soil carbon stabilization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160:108308.  10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108308
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Soil Biology & BiochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Sadda A-S*, Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge G, Saidou A-A, Diouf A, Jangorzo NS, Issoufou HB-A, Malam Issa O. (2021) The witchweed Striga gesnerioides and the cultivated cowpea: A geographical and historical analysis of their West African distribution points to the prevalence of agro-ecological factors and the parasite’s multilocal evolution potential. PLoS ONE 16(8): e025480310.1371/journal.pone.0254803​
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​Nakhle, P.; Boithias, L.; Pando-Bahuon, A*.; Thammahacksa,C.`; Gallion, N.; Sounyafong, P`.; Silvera, N*.; Latsachack, K.`; Soulileuth,B.`; Rochelle-Newall, E.J*.; Marcangeli, Y;* Pierret, A*; Ribolzi, O*. Decay Rate of Escherichia coli in a Mountainous Tropical Headwater Wetland. Water 2021, 13, 2068.10.3390/w13152068
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​Dupont S., Rajot J.L.*, Lamaud E., Bergametti G., Labiadh M.`, Khalfallah B., Bouet C.*, Marticorena B., Fernandes R. (2021) Comparison between eddy-covariance and flux-gradient size-resolved dust fluxes during wind erosion events. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD03473510.1029/2021JD034735
Guillot, E., …..Rumpel, C.*….., Hinsinger, P. (2021) Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality within a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system: comparison with a monocropping system. European Journal of Soil Biology, 105: 103330.​10.1016/j.ejsobi.2021.103330
European Journal of Soil BiologyFESTSols_ZC
Mora, M.L., Calabi Floody, M., Rumpel, C.*(2021) Closing biogeochemical cycles and meeting plant requirements by smart fertilizers and innovative organic amendments. Agronomy, 11:1158.​10.3390/agronomy11061158AgronomyFESTSols_ZC
​Rezaei Pasha M.`, Shahedi K.`, Vahabzadeh Q.`, Kavian A.`, Ghajar Sepanlou M.`, Jouquet P.* (2021) Effect of vermicompost on soil and runoff properties in Northern Iran. Compost Science and Utilization10.1080/1065657X.2020.1828198COMPOST SCIENCE & UTILIZATIONFESTSols_ZC
​Bottinelli, N.*, Maeght, J-L.*, Pham, R.D.`, Valentin, C.*, Rumpel, C.*, Pham, Q.V.`, Nguyen, T.T.`, Lam, D.H.`, Nguyen, A.D.`, Tran, T.M.`, Zaiss, R.*, Jouquet, P.*, 2021. Anecic earthworms generate more topsoil than they contribute to erosion – Evidence at catchment scale in northern Vietnam. Catena 201, 105186. 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105186
​Harit, A.K.^`, Ramasamy, E.V.`, Babu, N.`, Rajasree, M.J.`, Monsy, P.`, Bottinelli, N.*, Cheik, S.`~, Jouquet P.*, 2021. Are wood-feeding and fungus-growing termites so different? Comparison of the organization and properties of Microcerotermes pakistanicus and Odontotermes obesus soil constructions in the Western Ghats, India. Insectes Sociaux10.1007/s00040-021-00818-4Insectes SociauxFESTSols_ZC
Bottinelli, N.*, Jouquet, P.*, Tran, T.M.`, Aroui Boukbida, H.*, Rumpel, C.*, 2021. Mid-infrared spectroscopy to trace biogeochemical changes of earthworm casts during ageing under field conditions. Geoderma, 383, 114811. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114811GeodermaFESTSols_ZC
Bottinelli, N.*, Maeght, J-L.*, Tran Le, V.N.`, Boonchamni, C.`, Doan T.T.`, Tran T.M.`, Aroui Boukbida, H.*, Smaili, L.*, Jouquet P.* (2021) To what extent do ageing and soil properties influence Amynthas khami cast properties? Evidence from a small watershed in notrthern Vietnam. Applied Soil Ecology, 158, 103792.10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103792​
Applied Soil EcologyF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Le Mer, G.~, Jouquet, P.*, Capowiez, Y., Maeght, J-L.*, Tran, T.M.`, Doan, T.T.`, Bottinelli, N.* (2020) Age matters: dynamics of earthworm casts and burrows produced by the anecic Amynthas khami and their effects on soil water infiltration. Geoderma, 382, 114709.10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114709
Doan, T.T.`, Mongchu, C.`, Janeau, J-L.*, Maeght, J-L.*, Bottinelli, N.*, Le, H.T.M.`, Jouquet, P.*, 2021. Effects of the combination of cultivars and organic amendments for improving the resistance of water shortage in coffee. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 26, 2.​10.14456/apst.2021.12Asia-pacific Journal of Science and TechnologyFESTSols_ZC
Mangiarotti, S., Fu, E.`, Jouquet, P.*, Tran, M. T.`, Huc, M.`, Bottinelli, N.* (2021) Earthworm activity and its coupling to soil hydrology: A deterministic analysis. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31, 013134. 10.1063/5.0029969Chaos: an Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear ScienceFESTSols_ZC
Doan, T.T.`, Sisouvanh, P.`, Sengkhrua, T.`, Sritumboon, S.`, Rumpel, C.*, Jouquet, P.*, Bottinelli, N.* (2021) Site-specific effects of organic amendments on parameters of tropical agricultural soil and yield: a field experiment in three countries in Southeast Asia. Agronomy, 11, 348.10.3390/agronomy11020348​AgronomyFESTSols_ZC
​Labiadh M. T.`, Bergametti G., Rajot J. L.*, Bouet C.*, Ltifi M.`, Sekrafi S.`, Henry des Tureaux T.* (2021) Differences in the efficiency of the vertical transfer of windblown sediment over different ploughed surfaces during wind erosion events. Land, 10(5): 511. 10.3390/land10050511
🔗 pdf
​Cheik, S~., Jouquet, P.*, Maeght, J-L.*, Capowiez, Tran, T.M.`, Bottinelli, N.*, 2021. X-ray tomography analysis of soil biopores structure under wetting and drying cycles. European Journal of Soil Science, 1-5. 10.1111/ejss.13119
European Journal of Soil ScienceFESTSols_ZC
Laurie Boithias, Yves Auda, Stéphane Audry, Jean-Pierre Bricquet, Alounsavath Chanhphengxay`, Vincent Chaplot,  Anneke de Rouw*, Thierry Henry des Tureaux*, Sylvain Huon*, Jean-Louis Janeau*, Keooudone Latsachack`, Yann Le Troquer*, Guillaume Lestrelin, Jean-Luc Maeght, Pierre Marchand, Pierre Moreau, Andrew Noble, Anne Pando-Bahuon*, Kongkeo Phachomphon`, Khambai Phanthavong`, Alain Pierret*, Olivier Ribolzi, Jean Riotte, Henri Robain*, Emma Rochelle-Newall*, Saysongkham Sayavong`, Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung`, Norbert Silvera*, Nivong Sipaseuth`, Bounsamay Soulileuth`, Xaysatith Souliyavongsa`, Phapvilay Sounyaphong`, Sengkeo Tasaketh`, Chanthamousone Thammahacksa`, Jean-Pierre Thiebaux, Christian Valentin*, Olga Vigiak, Marion Viguier^, Khampaseuth Xayyathip`.(2021) The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset II: Land use, hydrology and sediment production monitoring in Houay Pano, northern Lao PDR. Hydrological Processes. 2021;35:e14126.10.1002/hyp.14126
Hydrological ProcessesBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Mügler, C., O. Ribolzi, M. Viguier, J.-L. Janeau*, E. Jardé, K. Latsachack`, T. Henry-Des-Tureaux*, C. Thammahacksa`, C. Valentin*, O. Sengtaheuanghoung` and E. Rochelle-Newall* (2021). “Experimental and modelling evidence of splash effects on manure borne Escherichia coli washoff.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 1-12.10.1007/s11356-021-13011-8
Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Neculman, R.​~, Matus. F…….Rumpel, C.*(2021) Functioning of microbial communities in top- and subsoil horizons of two Andisols under temperate old-growth rain forest. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21: 780-790.Journal of Soil Science and Plant NutritionFESTSols_ZC
Neculman, R.; Matus, F.; Godoy, Ro.; de la Luz Mora, M.; Rumpel, C. * (2021) Carbon Mineralization Controls in Top- and Subsoil Horizons of Two Andisols Under Temperate Old-Growth Rain Forest. JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 21(1), 780-79010.1007/s42729-020-00400-0
​Sisouvanh P’, Trelo-Ges V’., Isarangkool Na Ayutthaya S’., Pierret A.*, Nunan N*., Silvera N.*, Xayyathip K’., Hartmann C*. (2021) Can organic amendments improve soil physical characteristics and increase maize performances in contrasting soil water regimes? Agriculture, 11, 132.10.3390/agriculture11020132
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AgricultureCoMiCDCFE ; BioDISDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Chabbi, A., Kogel-Knabner, I., Rumpel, C.* (2021) Soil Science in trnsition – redefining tis role under the 4p1000 initiative. Geoderma, 385, 114891​10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114891
Aubertin, M.L.​~, Girardin, C……Rumpel, C.* (2021) Biochar-compost interactions as affected by weathering: effects on biological stabiity and plant growth. Agronomy, 11: 336.10.3390/agronomy11020336
🔗 pdf
​Vermeire, M-L., Bottinelli, N.*, Villenave, C., Jouquet, P.*, Nguyễ Thị, H.`, Maeght, J-L.*, Aribi, J., Aroui Boukbida, H.*, Tran, M-T.`, Masson, A-S., Chapuis, E., Bellafiore, S., 2021. Comparison of nematode communities in anecic earthworm casts and adjacent soil reveal a land use-independent trophic group signature. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01565. 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01565
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Global Ecology and ConservationFESTSols_ZC
Humbert G.^, Sebilo M.*, Chorin M., Vaury V.* & Laverman A.M. (2021). Analytical pitfalls when using inhibitors in specific nitrification assays. Environmental Chemistry.18 : 295-29910.1071/EN21118
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Environmental ChemistryEMSDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Pham T.`°, Rumpel C.*, Capowiez Y., Jouquet P.*, Pelosi C., Pando A.*, Aroui Boukdiba H.*, Bottinelli N.*. (2021). Mid-infraned spectroscopy of earthworm bodies to investigate their species belonging and their relationship with the soil they inhabit. Applied Soil Ecology 162.10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.103894
Applied Soil EcologyBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
​Boithias, L., O. Ribolzi, G. Lacombe, C. Thammahacksa*, N. Silvera*, K. Latsachack*, B. Soulileuth*, M. Viguier, Y. Auda, E. Robert, O. Evrard, S. Huon*, T. Pommier, C. Zouiten, O. Sengtaheuanghoung` and E. Rochelle-Newall* (2021). “Quantifying the effect of overland flow on Escherichia coli pulses during floods: Use of a tracer-based approach in an erosion-prone tropical catchment.” Journal of Hydrology 594: 125935. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125935
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Journal of HydrologyCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Traoré S.`, Jouquet P.* (2020) Growth performance and adaptive strategy of early seedlings of three savanna woody species in pots as feedback to the soil of Macrotermes subhyalinus mound. European Scientific Journal 16 (3), 1857-7881.10.19044/esj.2020.v16n3p1European Scientific JournalFESTSols_ZC
Bottinelli, N.*, Kaupenjohann, M.°, Märten, M., Jouquet P.*, Soucémaranadin, L., Baudin, F., Tran, T.M.`, Rumpel C.* (2020) Age matters: Fate of soil organic matter during ageing of earthworm casts produced by the anecic earthworm Amynthas khami. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148: 107906. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107906​
Soil Biology & BiochemistryFESTSols_ZC
Jouquet, P.*, Traoré, S.`, Harit, A.`^, Choosai, C.`, Cheik, S.`~, Bottinelli, N.* (2020) Moving beyond the distinction between the bright and dark sides of termites to achieve the sustainable development goals. Current Opinion in Insect Science, special issue Insects and Sustainable Development Goals 40, 71-76. 10.1016/j.cois.2020.05.010​Current Opinion in Insect ScienceFESTSols_ZC
​Bottinelli, N.*, Hedde, M., Jouquet, P.*, Capowiez, Y. (2020) Towards an explicit definition of earthworm ecological categories – Marcel Bouché’s triangle revisited 50 years later. Geoderma, 372, 114361 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114361
Chaudhary, E.`~, Jouquet, P.*, Rumpel, C.*, Sukumar, R.` (2020) Chemical parameters of decomposing dung in tropical forest as indicators of feeding behaviour of large herbivores: a step beyond classical stoichiometry. Ecological Indicators 115, 10640710.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106407Ecological IndicatorsFESTSols_ZC
Jouquet P.*, Jamoteau, F.°, Majumdar, S.`, Podwokewski, P.*, Nagabovanalli, P.`, Caner, L., Bardoni, D., Meunier, J-D. (2020) The distribution of Silicon in soil is influenced by termite bioturbation in South Indian forest soils. Geoderma 372, 11436210.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114362​
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Grellier S., Janeau JL*, Richard P., Florsch N. , Ward D.` , Bariac T., Lorentz S.` (2020). Water uptake plasticity of savanna trees in encroached grassland: small trees match the mature trees. African journal of Range & Forage Science10.2989/10220119.2020.1834453
African journal of Range & Forage ScienceF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Amelung, W…..Rumpel, C.*, …..Chabbi, A. (2020) Towards a global-scale soil climate mitigation strategy. Nature Communications, 11: 1-1010.1038/s41467-020-18887-7
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Nature CommunicationsFESTSols_ZC
Crème, A., Rumpel, C.*, ….Chabbi, A. (2020) Monitoring grassland management effects on soil organic carbon – a matter of scale. Agronomy, 10:2016​10.3390/agronomy10122016
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Rumpel, C.*, Ann, V.`, Bahri, H.`, Calabi Floody, M.`, Cheik, S.`, Doan, T.T.`, Harit, A.`,Janeau, J.L.*, Jouquet, P.*,Mora, M.L.`, Podwojewski, P.*, Minh, T.T.`, Ngo, Q.A.`, Rossi, P.L., Sanaullah, M.`, 2020. Research for development in the 21st century. Geoderma. 378 (15): 114558.10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114558GeodermaESEAEEcoEvo ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Vega, I., Rumpel, C.*, ….Cartes, P. (2020) Silicon modulates production and composition of phenols in barley under aluminium stress. Agronomy, 10(8), 1138.​10.3390/agronomy10081138
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Bergametti G., Marticorena B., Rajot J. L.*, Siour G., Féron A., Gaimoz C., Coman A., Chatenet B., Coulibaly M.`, Maman A. `, Koné I. `, Zakou A.` (2020). The Respective Roles of Wind Speed and Green Vegetation in Controlling Sahelian Dust Emission during the Wet Season. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(22), e2020GL089761. 10.1029/2020GL089761​
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Geophysical Research LettersF2ZCSols_ZC
​Cheik,S.`, Jouquet, P.* (2020) Integrating local knowledge into soil science to improve soil fertility. Soil Use Management, 36(4): 561-564. 10.1111/sum.12656Soil Use and ManagementFESTSols_ZC
Bottinelli, N.*, & Capowiez, Y. (2021). Earthworm ecological categories are not functional groups. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57(2), 329-331.10.1007/s00374-020-01517-1
Biology and Fertility of SoilsFESTSols_ZC
Capowiez, Y., Sammartino, S., Keller, T., & Bottinelli, N.* (2021). Decreased burrowing activity of endogeic earthworms and effects on water infiltration in response to an increase in soil bulk density. Pedobiologia, 85, 150728.​10.1016/j.pedobi.2021.150728
Neyret M.~, de Rouw A.*, Colbach N., Robain H.*, Soulileuth B.`, Valentin C.* (2020) Year-to-year crop shifts promote weed diversity in tropical permanentrainfed cultivation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 301, 10702310.1016/j.agee.2020.107023
Agriculture Ecosystems & EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC
Foucher A., Evrard O., Huon S*, Curie F., Lefèvre I., Vaury V.*, Cerdan​ O., Vandromme R., Salvator-Blanes S. (2020) Regional trends in eutrophication across the Loire river basin during the   20th century based on multi-proxy paleolimnological reconstructions Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environments 301: 10706510.1016/j.agee.2020.107065
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Agriculture Ecosystems & EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC
Poblete-Grant, P., ….Rumpel, C.*, …..Mora, M.L. (2020) Soil available P, soil organic carbon and aggregation as affected by longterm poultry manure application to Andosols under pastures in Southern chile. Geoderma Regional, 21, e000271.​10.1016/j.geodrs.2020.e00271Geoderma RegionalFESTSols_ZC
​Gilmulina, A., Rumpel, C.*,….Chabbi, A. (2020) Management of grasslands by mowing versus grazing – impacts on soil organic matter quality and microbial functioning. Applied Soil Ecology, 156, 103701.10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103701
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Applied Soil EcologyFESTSols_ZC
Podwojewski P.*,Janeau J.L.*,Caquineau S., Jeffrey, H.`, 2020.Mechanisms of lateral and linear extension of gullies (dongas) in a subhumid grassland of South Africa. Earth surface processes and landforms.10.1002/esp.4960
​Chevallier T., Loireau M., Courault R., Chapuis-Lardy L., Desjardins T.*, Gomez C., Grondin A., Guérin F., Orange D, Pélissier R., Serpantié G., Durand M.H., Derioz P, Laruelle Goulven G., Schwoob M.H., Viovy N., Barrière O, Blanchart E., Blanfort V., Brossard M., Demenois J., Fargette M., Heulin T., Mahe G., Manlay R.,Podwojewski P.*, Rumpel C.*, Sultan B. and Chotte J.L., 2020. Paris Climate Agreement: Promoting Interdisciplinary Science and Stakeholders’ Approaches for Multi-Scale Implementation of Continental Carbon Sequestration. Sustainability, 12, 671510.3390/su12176715
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Foti L~, Barot S*, Gignoux J*, Grimaldi M*, Lata J-C*, Lerch TZ*, Nold F, Nunan N*, Raynaud X*, Abbadie L*, Dubs F* 2020. Topsoil characteristics of forests and lawns along an urban-rural gradient in the Paris region. Soil Use and Management: 1-1310.1111/sum.12640
Soil Use and ManagementBioDISDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
​Song, L.’, Boithias, L., Sengtaheuanghoung, O.’, Oeurng C.’, Valentin C*., Souksavath B’., Sounyafong P.’, De Rouw A*., Soulileuth B.’, Silvera N.*, Lattanavongkhot B.’, Pierret A*., Ribolzi O. (2020) Understorey vegetation limits surface runoff and soil loss in teak plantation-based systems of Northern Lao PDR. Water10.3390/w12092327WaterCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
El Hayany B., El Fels L., Quenea K., Dignac M.-F.*, Rumpel C.*, Gupta V.K., Hafidi M. 2020. Microplastics from lagooning sludge to composts as revealed by Fluorescent staining- Image analysis, Raman spectroscopy and Pyrolysis-GC/MS. Journal of Environmental Management 275 111249.10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111249​
Journal of Environmental ManagementCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Eldridge DJ, Reed S, Travers SK, Bowker MA, Maestre FT, Ding J, Havrilla C, Rodriguez-Caballero E, Barger N., Weber B, Antonika A, Belnap J, Chaudhary B, Faist A, Ferreberg S, Huber-Sannwald E,  Malam Issa O*, Zhao Y. The pervasive and multifaceted influence of biocrusts on water in the world’s drylands (2020) Global Change Biology : 26:6003–6014 10.1111/gcb.15232​Global Change BiologyFESTSols_ZC
​El Hayany B., El Fels L., Dignac M.-F.*, Quenea K., Rumpel C.*, Hafidi M. (2020) Pyrolysis-GCMS as a tool for maturity evaluation of compost from sewage sludge and green waste. Waste and biomass Valorization.10.1007/s12649-020-01184-1
Waste and Biomass ValorizationCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Panettieri M., Courtier-Murias D., Rumpel C.,* Dignac M.-F.*, Almendros G., Chabbi A. 2020. Land-use perturbations in ley grassland decouple the degradation of ancient soil organic matter from the storage of newly derived carbon inputs. SOIL Discussions, 1-31.10.5194/soil-2020-16​
SOIL DiscussionsCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Mai H’., Maeght J. L.*, Bui V. H.’, Valentin Christian* (2020). Assessment of heavy metal concentrations and its potential eco-toxic effects in soils and sediments in Dong Cao catchment, Northern Vietnam.  Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences,  42(2), 187-204.​​10.15625/0866-7187/42/2/15046
Vietnam Journal of Earth SciencesF2ZCSols_ZC
Tafasca, S.~, Ducharne, A., & Valentin, C*. (2020). Weak sensitivity of the terrestrial water budget to global soil texture maps in the ORCHIDEE land surface model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24 (7), 3753-3774.10.5194/hess-24-3753-2020
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Hydrology and Earth System SciencesF2ZCSols_ZC
Braud I., Chaffard V., Coussot C., Galle S., Juen P., Alexandre H., Baillion P., Battais A., Boudevillain B., Branger F., Brissebrat G., Cochonneau G., Decoupes R., Desconnets J.-C., Dubreuil A., Fabre J., Gabillard S., Gérard M.-F., Grellet S., Herrmann A., Laarman O., Lajeunesse E., Le Hénaff G., Lobry O., Mauclerc A., Paroissien J.-B., Pierret M.-C., Silvera N.*, Squividant H. (2020). Building the Information System of the OZCAR French Critical Zone Observatories network. Hydrological Sciences Journal. Special Issue: Hydrological data : opportunities and barriers. On line 10.1080/02626667.2020.1764568
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Le Mer G.~, Barthod J.~, Dignac M.-F.,* Barré P., Baudin F., Rumpel C.* 2020. Inferring earthworms’ impact on the stability of organo-mineral associations by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Organic Geochemistry, 104016.10.1016/j.orggeochem.2020.104016
Organic GeochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Neyret M.~, Robain H.*, de Rouw A.*,Janeau J.L.*, Durand T., Kaewthip Juraiporn`, Trisophon Karn`, Valentin C.*, 2020. Mitigation of higher runoff and soil detachment in rubber tree plantations compared to annual cultivation by ground cover in steep mountainous Thailand. Catena,189:12 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104472
CatenaF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Desjardins T.*, Turcq B., Lézine A.-M., Nguetnkamp J.P., Mandeng-Yogo M., Cetin F., Achoundong G. (2020) The origin of the forest-grassland mosaic of Central Cameroon: what we learn from the isotopic geochemistry of soil organic matter. The Holocene, 30, 1391-139910.1177/0959683620932963
The HoloceneFESTSols_ZC
Vidal A., Lenhart T., Dignac M.F*, Biron P.*, Höschen C., Barthod J., Vedere C., Vaury V.*, Bariac T.*, Rumpel C.* (2020): Promoting plant growth and carbon transfer to soil with with organic amendments produced with mineral additives. Geoderma 374:114454 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114454
Moinet, GYM, Moinet, M., Hunt, J., Rumpel, C.*, Chabbi, A., Millard, P. (2020) Temperature sesitivity of decomposition decreases with increasing soil organic matter stability. Science of the Total Environment, 704, 135460.​10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135460
Science of the Total EnvironmentFESTSols_ZC
​Lavelle P.*, Spain A.,  Fonte S., Bedano, J.C.’, Blanchart E., Galindo V.’, Grimaldi, M.*, Jimenez J.J.’, Velasquez E.’, Zangerle, A. (2020) Soil aggregation, ecosystem engineers and the C cycle. Acta Oecologica 105, 103561 10.1016/j.actao.2020.103561
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Abbas A., Baek S., Kim M., Ligaray M., Ribolzi O., Silvera N.*, Min J.-H., Boithias L., Cho K. H. 2020. Surface and sub-surface flow estimation at high temporal resolution using deep neural networks. Journal of Hydrology10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125370
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Journal of HydrologyF2ZCSols_ZC
Rankovic A., Geslinc B., Perrarda A., Barbillon A., Vaury V., Abbadie L.*,  Dajoz I*.(2020). Urbanization effects on wild bee carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in the Paris region. Acta Oecologica, Volume 105.10.1016/j.actao.2020.103545
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Rumpel, C.*, ….Wollenberg, E. (2020) Response to ‘The 4p1000 initiatie: A new name should be adopted’ by Baveye and White (2019). Ambio, 49: 363-364.​10.1007/s13280-019-01209-7
​Humbert G.^, Sébilo M.*, Fiat J., Lang L., Filali A., Vaury V.*, Spérandio M., Laverman A.M., 2020. Isotopic evidence for alteration of nitrous oxide emissions and producing pathways’ contribution under nitrifying conditions. Biogeosciences 17, 979–993.10.5194/bg-17-979-2020
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BiogeosciencesEMSDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Khalfallah B., Bouet C.*, Labiadh M. T.`, Alfaro S. C., Bergametti G., Marticorena B., Lafon S., Chevaillier S., Féron A., Hease P., Henry des Tureaux T.*, Sekrafi S.`, Zapf P., Rajot J. L.* (2020) Influence of atmospheric stability on the size-distribution of the vertical dust flux measured in eroding conditions over a flat bare sandy field, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 125(4): e2019JD03118510.1029/2019JD031185
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Barthod J.~, Dignac M.-F.*, Le Mer G.~, Bottinelli N.*, Watteau F., Kögel-Knabner I., Rumpel C.* (2020) How do earthworms affect organic matter decomposition in the presence of clay-sized minerals? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 143:107730.​ 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107730
Soil Biology & BiochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
​Mthimkhulu, S.*, Titshall, L. W.*, Lerch, T. Z.*, Podwojewski, P.*, & Antwerpen, R. V.*2020. Effect of sugarcane residue retention and fertiliser application on soil microbial abundance and community structure. International Sugar Journal, 54-57. IHS Markit | Agribusiness | January 2020.International Sugar JournalBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Rumpel, C.*, Amiraslani, F……….Wollenberg, E., 2020. The 4p1000 initiative: opportunities, limitations and challenges for implementing soil organic carbon sequestration as a sustainable development strategy. Ambio, 49: 350-360.​10.1007/s13280-019-01165-2
Mthimkhulu, S.; Titshall, L. W.; Lerch, T. Z.*; Podwojewski, P.*; Van Antwerpen, R. (2019) Effect of sugarcane residue retention and fertiliser application on soil microbial abundance and community structure. INTERNATIONAL SUGAR JOURNAL, 122, 14530INTERNATIONAL SUGAR JOURNALBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Descroix, Luc; Sane, Yancouba; Thior, Mamadou; Manga, Sylvie-Pamela; Ba, Boubacar Demba; Mingou, Joseph; Mendy, Victor; Coly, Saloum; Dieye, Arame; Badiane, Alexandre; Senghore, Marie-Jeanne; Diedhiou, Ange-Bouramanding; Sow, Djiby; Bouaita, Yasmin; Soumare, Safietou; Diop, Awa; Faty, Bakary; Sow, Bamol Ali; Machu, Eric; Montoroi, Jean-Pierre; Andrieu, Julien; Vandervaere, Jean-Pierre (2020) Inverse Estuaries in West Africa: Evidence of the Rainfall Recovery? WATER10.3390/w12030647
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BENOIT D., PIERRE M., MAEGHT J. L., VAAST P., DUPONNOIS R. (2020-12-03). Coffee Microbiota and Its Potential Use in Sustainable Crop Management. A Review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.607935
Frontiers in Sustainable Food SystemsSols_ZC
​Rezaei Pasha, M.`, Shahedi, K.`, Vahabzadeh, Q.`, Kavian, A.`, Ghajar Sepanlou, M.`, Jouquet, P.* (2019) The effect of using a combination of municipal solid waste compost and chemical fertilizer on some of the soil properties in agricultural lands, Iran (A case study: Miandorod city) Journal of Water and Soil Science – Isfahan University of Technology, 23 (2), 200-213.  10.29252/jstnar.23.2.201Journal of Water and Soil ScienceFESTSols_ZC
Jouquet, P.*, Harit, A.^`, Cheik, S.~`, Traoré, S.`, Bottinelli, N.* -2019 Termites: Soil engineers for ecological engineering. Comptes Rendus Biologies 342, 258-259.​10.1016/j.crvi.2019.09.012Comptes Rendus BiologiesFESTSols_ZC
Rashmi, R.R.`, Harit, A.`^, Cheik, S.`~, Chaudhary, E.`~, Bottinelli, N.*, Sundararaj, R.`, Jouquet, P.* (2019) Litter quality affects termite sheeting production and water infiltration in soil. Sociobiology, 66(3), 491-499. ​10.13102/sociobiology.v66i3.3741
Cheik, S.~`, Bottinelli, N.*, Tran M.T.`, Doan, T.T.`, Jouquet, P.* (2019) Quantification of three dimensional characteristics of macrofauna macropores and their effects on soil hydraulic conductivity in northern Vietnam. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7 (31) 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00031
Frontiers in Environmental ScienceFESTSols_ZC
Traoré, S.`, Bottinelli, N.*, Hanane, A.*, Harit, A.`^, Jouquet, P.* (2019) Termite mounds impact soil hydrostructural properties in southern Indian tropical forests. Pedobiologia 74: 1-6.10.1016/j.pedobi.2019.02.003​PedobiologiaFESTSols_ZC
Cheik, S.~`, Shanbhag, R.R.`^, Harit, A.`^, Bottinelli, N.*, Sukumar, R.`, Jouquet P.* (2019) Linking termite feeding preferences and soil physical functioning in southern-Indian woodlands. Insects (Special Issue on Termites) 10, 4.10.3390/insects10010004
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Cheik, S.~`, Bottinelli, N.*, Soudan, B., Harit, A.`^, Chaudhary, E.`~, Sukumar, R.`, Jouquet P.* (2019) Effects of termite foraging activity on topsoil physical properties and water infiltration in Vertisol. Applied Soil Ecology 133: 132-137 ​10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.10.001
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Applied Soil EcologyFESTSols_ZC
​CIRCASA, 2019. Deliverable D1.3: “The science base of a strategic research agenda – Executive Summary”. [Bray A.W., Kim J.H., Schrumpf M, Peacock C., Banwart S.,Schipper L., Angers D., Chirinda N., Lopes Zinn Y., Albrecht A., Kuikman P., Jouquet, P.*, Demenois J., Farrell M., Fontaine S, Soussana J.-F., Kuhnert M., Milne E.,, Fontaine S., Taghizadeh-Toosi A., Cerri C.E.P., Corbeels M., Cardinael R, Alcántara Cervantes V., Olesen J.E., Batjes N., Heuvelink G., Maia S.M.F., Keesstra S., Claessens L., Madari B.E., Verchot L., Nie W., Brunelle T., Moran M., Frank S., Bodle R. Frelih-Larsen A., Dougill A., Montanarella L., Stringer L., Chenu C., Hiederer R., Smith P., Arias-Navarro C.]. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No 774378 – Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture. 10.15454/YUFPFDCoordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in AgricultureFESTSols_ZC
Cunha S., Rayanne M., Rocha D., Thalyson D., Roberto Sampaio Alves, F. P., Fontaine, A., Desjardins, T.*, Freire, R. C. S., Barros, A. K. D.; Santana, E. E. C. (2019) Monitoring an Environment Using Wireless Sensor Network. INTERNET SCIENCE, INSCI 2019, 11938, 292-30110.1007/978-3-030-34770-3_23
Sebilo M.* Aloisi G., Mayer B., Perrin E.°, Vaury V.*, Mothet A.~ & Laverman A.M. (2019). Controls on the isotopic composition of nitrite (δ15N and δ18O) during denitrification in freshwater sediments. Scientific Reports. 9.10.1038/s41598-019-54014-3
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Scientific ReportsEMSDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Herrmann, L., Lesueur, D., Robin, A., Robain, H.*, Wiriyakitnateekul, W.`, Bräu, L. Impact of biochar application dose on soil microbial communities associated with rubber trees in North East Thailand. Science of the Total Environment 689, 970–979​10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.441
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Science of the Total EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC
Rumpel, C.* (2019) Soils linked to climate change. Nature, 572, 442-443.​10.1038/d41586-019-02450-6NatureFESTSols_ZC
Prince S. and Podwojewski P.*, 2020. Desertification – inappropriate images lead to inappropriate actions. Land Degradation and Development. 31: 677–68210.1002/ldr.3436​
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Land Degradation & DevelopmentFESTSols_ZC
Bouet C.*, Labiadh M. T.`, Rajot J. L.*, Bergametti G., Marticorena B., Henry des Tureaux T.*, Ltifi M. `, Sekrafi S. `, Féron A. (2019) Impact of desert dust on air quality: what is the meaningfulness of daily PM standards in regions close to the sources? The example of southern Tunisia. Atmosphere, 10(8): 45210.3390/atmos10080452
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Le H.T.~, Rochelle-Newall E.*, Ribolzi O., Janeau J.L.*, Huon S.*, Latsachack K.`, Pommier T. (2020). Land use strongly influences soil organic carbon and bacterial community loss in runoff in tropical Uplands. Land  Degradation Development  10.1002/ldr.3433
Land Degradation & DevelopmentCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Calabi-Floody, M., Medina, J……Rumpel, C.* (2019) Optimization of wheat straw co-composting for carrier material development. Waste Management, 98: 37-4910.1016/j.wasman.2019.07.041
Waste ManagementFESTSols_ZC
Hiernaux P., Adamou K., Moumouni O., Turner M., Tong X., Savadogo P., Mougin E., Malam Issa O* (2019) Expanding networks of field hedges in densely populated landscapes in the Sahel. Forest Ecology and Management 440: 178-188 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.03.016
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Forest ecology and managementF2ZCSols_ZC
Redel, Y., Staunton, S., Duran, P., Gianfreda, L., Rumpel, C., Mora, M.L. (2019) Fertilizer P uptake determined by soil P fractionation and phosphatase activity. Journal of Sol Science and Plant Nutrition, 19, 166-174.​10.1007/s42729-019-00024-zJournal of Soil Science and Plant NutritionFESTSols_ZC
Herzog, C., ….Rumpel, C.*….Brunner, Y. (2019) Microbial succession on decomposing root litter in a drought-prone Scots pine forest. ISME Journal, 13: 2346-2362.​10.1038/s41396-019-0436-6
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Seyni Bodo B.’, Morvan X., Malam Issa O.*, Adamou Tidjani D.’, Ambouta Karimou J.-M., Marin B., Ponthieu M. et Fronteau G. (2019) Connaissance locale de la variabilité de surface du sol et des contraintes associées pour la production du niébé en zone sahélienne du Niger, Etude et Gestion des Sols 26 : 65-79
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Etude et Gestion des SolsF2ZCSols_ZC
Hovhannissian G.*, Podwojewski, P.*, Le Troquer, Y.*, Mthimkhulu, S.*, Van Antwerpen, R.*, 2019. Mapping spatial distribution of soil properties using electrical resistivity on a long term sugarcane trial in South Africa. Geoderma 305, 305-31310.1016/j.geoderma.2019.04.037​
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Pellerin, S., Lelievre, V., Arnaud, F., Cécillon, L., Dia, A., & Valentin, C.* (2019). Regards sur la recherche française en Sciences du sol à partir d’une analyse bibliométrique: points forts, points faibles et tendances récentes.  Etude et Gestion des Sols,  26(1), 49-63.​
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Etude et Gestion des SolsF2ZCSols_ZC
Mugler, C., Ribolzi, O., Janeau, J.L.*, Rochelle-Newall, E.*, Latsachack, K.`, Thammahacksa, C.`, Viguier, M., Jarde, E., Henri-Des-Tureaux*, T., Sengtaheuanghoung, O.`, Valentin, C.*, 2019. Experimental and modelling evidence of short-term effect of raindrop impact on hydraulic conductivity and overland flow intensity. Journal of Hydrology 570, 401-41010.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.046
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Journal of HydrologyCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Abdourhamane Touré A.`, Tidjani A. D.`, Rajot J. L.*, Marticorena B., Bergametti G., Bouet C.*, Ambouta K. J. M.`, Garba Z.` (2019) Dynamics of wind erosion and impact of vegetation cover and land use in the Sahel: A case study on sandy dunes in southeastern Niger. Catena, 177: 272-28510.1016/j.catena.2019.02.011
Xu, Y., Sarkar, B., Sik Ok, Y., Rumpel, C.*…..Dong, Z. (2019) Microbial functional diversity and carbon use feedback in soils as affected by heavy metals. Environment International, 125: 378-39910.1016/j.envint.2019.01.071
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Environment InternationalFESTSols_ZC
Moinet, G.Y.K., Midwood, A.J…. Rumpel, C.*….Chabbi, A. (2019) Grassland management influences the response of soil respiration to drought. Agonomy, 9: 124.​10.3390/agronomy9030124
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Eeckman J., Nepal S’., Chevallier Pierre, Camensuli G., Delclaux François, Boone A., De Rouw Anneke*. Comparing the ISBA and J2000 approaches for surface flows modelling at the local scale in the Everest region. Journal of Hydrology, 2019. 0022-1694 ​ 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.022
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Journal of HydrologyF2ZCSols_ZC
​Thoumazeau, A., Bessou, C., Renevier, M.-S., Trap, J., Marichal, R., Mareschal, L., Decaëns, T., Bottinelli, N.,* Jaillard, B., Chevallier, T., 2019. Biofunctool®: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Part A: concept and validation of the set of indicators. Ecological Indicators 97, 100-110.10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.10.028
Ecological IndicatorsFESTSols_ZC
Evrard O., Laceby J.P., Ficetola G.F., Gielly L., Huon S.*, Lefèvre I., Onda Y., Poulenard J. (2019) Environmental DNA provides information on sediment sources: a study in catchments affected by Fukushima radioactive fallout. Stoten 665, 873-881.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.191
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Science of the Total EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC
Seyni Bodo B., Ambouta J-MK, Malam Issa O., Adamou D. T., Morvan X., Conreux A., Marin B., Ponthieu M., Fronteau G. (2019) Effects of habitat mobility in cultivated fields on the physical and chemical soil quality in western Niger. EWASH & TI Journal 3 (1) : 60-68​10.48421/IMIST.PRSM/ewash-ti-v3i1.15234EWASH & TI JournalF2ZCSols_ZC
C. Balland-Bolou-Bi,  E. Bolou-Bi, V. Alphonse, S. Giusti-Miller*,  MD Jusselme^, A. Livet, M. Grimaldi*,N. Bousserhine, Impact of microbial activity on the mobility of metallic elements (Fe, Al and Hg) in tropical soils – Geoderma – Volume 334, 15 January 2019, Pages 146-15410.1016/j.geoderma.2018.07.044
GeodermaESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
Dupont S., Rajot J. L.*, Labiadh M.`, Bergametti G., Lamaud E., Irvine M. R., Alfaro S. C., Bouet C.*, Fernandes R., Khalfallah B., Marticorena B., Bonnefond J. M., Chevaillier S., Garrigou D., Henry-des-Tureaux T.*, Sekrafi S.`, Zapf P. (2019) Dissimilarity between dust, heat, and momentum turbulent transports during aeolian soil erosion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 124(2): 1064-108910.1029/2018JD029048
Pronin, C., Panetierri, M., Torn, K., Rumpel, C.* (2019) Stable carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as a driving factor of aquatic plants organic matter build-up related to salinity. Ecological Indicators, 99: 230-23910.1016/j.ecolind.2018.12.036
Ecological IndicatorsFESTSols_ZC
Rumpel, C.*; Chabbi, A. (2019) Plant-Soil Interactions Control CNP Coupling and Decoupling Processes in Agroecosystems With Perennial Vegetation. AGROECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY: RECONCILING CONTEMPORARY AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, 2-1310.1016/B978-0-12-811050-8.00001-7
THOUMAZEAU A., BESSOU C., RENEVIER M.-S., TRAP J., MARICHAL R., MARESCHAL L., DECAENS T., BOTTINELLI N., JAILLARD B., CHEVALLIER T., SUVANNANG N., SAJJAPHAN K., THALER P., GAY F., BRAUMAN A. (2019-02). Biofunctool®: a new framework to assess the impact of land management on soil quality. Part A: concept and validation of the set of indicators. Ecological Indicators, 97 (Février 2019), 100-110https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.09.023
Ecological IndicatorsSols_ZC
Finco, C., Pontoreau, C., Schamper, C., Massuel, S., Hovhannissian, G.*, Rejiba, F. (2018) Time-domain electromagnetic imaging of a clayey confining bed in a brackish environment: A case study in the Kairouan Plain Aquifer (Kelbia salt lake, Tunisia). HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 32(26), 3954-396510.1002/hyp.13303
​Cheik, S.~`, Bottinelli, N.*, Sukumar R.`, Jouquet, P.* (2018) Fungus-growing termite foraging activity increases water infiltration but only slightly impacts soil physical properties in Southern Indian woodlands. European Journal of Soil Biology 89: 20-24.10.1016/j.ejsobi.2018.09.001
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European Journal of Soil BiologyFESTSols_ZC
Jouquet, P.*, Chaudhary, E.`~, Kumar, A.R.V.`. (2018) Sustainable use of termite activity in agro-ecosystems with reference to earthworms. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38:3​10.1007/s13593-017-0483-1
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Agronomy for Sustainable DevelopmentFESTSols_ZC
​Santos C.C.’, Ferraz Jr A.S.L’.,Sa S.O’., Gutiérrez J.A.M., Braun H., Sarrazin M., Brossard M., Desjardins T.* (2018) Soil Carbon Stock and Plinthoslo Fertility in Smallhoder Land-Use System in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil. Carbon Management, 9, 655-66410.1080/17583004.2018.1530026
Carbon ManagementFESTSols_ZC
Ribolzi, O., Lacombe, G., Pierret, A.*, Robain, H.*, Sounyafong, P.`, de Rouw, A.*, Soulileuth, B.`, Mouche, E., Huon, S.*, Silvera, N.*, Latxachak, K.O.`, Sengtaheuanghoung, O.`, Valentin, C.* Interacting land use and soil surface dynamics control groundwater outflow in a montane catchment of the lower Mekong basin. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 268, 90–102​10.1016/j.agee.2018.09.005
Agriculture Ecosystems & EnvironmentCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Rumpel, C.*, Amiralani, F…………Wollenberg, E. (2018) Put more carbon in soils to meet Paris climate pledges. Nature, 564: 32-34.​10.1038/d41586-018-07587-4
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Gaillardet, J., Braud, I., Hankard, F., Anquetin, S., Bour, O., Dorfliger, N., de Dreuzy, J.R., Galle, S., Galy, C., Gogo, S., Gourcy, L., Habets, F., Laggoun, F., Longuevergne, L., Le Borgne, T., Naaim-Bouvet, F., Nord, G., Simonneaux, V., Six, D., Tallec, T., Valentin, C.*, Abril, G., Allemand, P., Arenes, A., Arfib, B., Arnaud, L., Arnaud, N., Arnaud, P., Audry, S., Comte, V.B., Batiot, C., Battais, A., Bellot, H., Bernard, E., Bertrand, C., Bessiere, H., Binet, S., Bodin, J., Bodin, X., Boithias, L., Bouchez, J., Boudevillain, B., Moussa, I.B., Branger, F., Braun, J.J., Brunet, P., Caceres, B., Calmels, D., Cappelaere, B., Celle-Jeanton, H., Chabaux, F., Chalikakis, K., Champollion, C., Copard, Y., Cotel, C., Davy, P., Deline, P., Delrieu, G., Demarty, J., Dessert, C., Dumont, M., Emblanch, C., Ezzahar, J., Esteves, M., Favier, V., Faucheux, M., Filizola, N., Flammarion, P., Floury, P., Fovet, O., Fournier, M., Francez, A.J., Gandois, L., Gascuel, C., Gayer, E., Genthon, C., Gerard, M.F., Gilbert, D., Gouttevin, I., Grippa, M., Gruau, G., Jardani, A., Jeanneau, L., Join, J.L., Jourde, H., Karbou, F., Labat, D., Lagadeuc, Y., Lajeunesse, E., Lastennet, R., Lavado, W., Lawin, E., Lebel, T., Le Bouteiller, C., Legout, C., Lejeune, Y., Le Meur, E., Le Moigne, N., Lions, J., Lucas, A., Malet, J.P., Marais-Sicre, C., Marechal, J.C., Marlin, C., Martin, P., Martins, J., Martinez, J.M., Massei, N., Mauclerc, A., Mazzilli, N., Molenat, J., Moreira-Turcq, P., Mougin, E., Morin, S., Ngoupayou, J.N., Panthou, G., Peugeot, C., Picard, G., Pierret, M.C., Porel, G., Probst, A., Probst, J.L., Rabatel, A., Raclot, D., Ravanel, L., Rejiba, F., Rene, P., Ribolzi, O., Riotte, J., Riviere, A., Robain, H*., Ruiz, L., Sanchez-Perez, J.M., Santini, W., Sauvage, S., Schoeneich, P., Seidel, J.L., Sekhar, M., Sengtaheuanghoung, O`., Silvera, N.*, Steinmann, M., Soruco, A., Tallec, G., Thibert, E., Lao, D.V., Vincent, C., Viville, D., Wagnon, P., Zitouna, R. OZCAR: The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories. Vadose Zone J. 17, 180067. 10.2136/vzj2018.04.0067
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Vadose Zone JournalF2ZCSols_ZC
Isarangkool Na Ayutthaya S.`, Rattanawong R.`, Meetha S.`, Silvera N.*, Do F., Kasemsap P.`​ (2018) Comparisons of xylem sap flux densities in immature hybrid rubber tree clones under varied environmental conditions. Acta Hortic. 1222, 175-182​10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1222.23Acta HorticulturaeF2ZCSols_ZC
​Patin, J., Mouche, E., Ribolzi, O., Sengtahevanghoung, O’, Latsachak, K. O., Soulileuth, B., … & Valentin, C*. (2018). Effect of land use on interrill erosion in a montane catchment of Northern Laos: An analysis based on a pluri-annual runoff and soil loss database. Journal of hydrology, 563, 480-494.10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.05.044
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Journal of HydrologyF2ZCSols_ZC
Bergametti G., B. Marticorena, J.L. Rajot*, G. Forêt, S.C. Alfaro, B. Laurent, 2018. Size Resolved Dry Deposition Velocities of Dust: In Situ Measurements and Parameterizations testing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123,11,080–11,099.10.1029/2018jd028964​
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de Rouw Anneke*, Ribolzi Olivier, Douillet M., Tjantahosong H’., Soulileuth B*. Weed seed dispersal via runoff water and eroded soil. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 2018. 0167-8809 10.1016/j.agee.2018.05.026Agriculture Ecosystems & EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC
Barthod J.~, Rumpel C.*, Calabi-Floody M., Mora M-L., Bolan N., Dignac M-F.* (2018) Adding worms during composting with red mud and fly ash reduces CO2 emissions and increases plant available nutrient contents. Journal of Environmental Management, 222: 207-21510.1016/j.jenvman.2018.05.079
Journal of Environmental ManagementCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Sengtaheuanghoung O., Ribolzi O., Rochelle-Newall E. J.*, Boithias L., Evrard O., Henri-des-Tureaux T.*, Huon S.*, Janeau J.-L*., Latsachack K*., Lefèvre I., Mouche E., Robain H.*, de Rouw A.*, Xayyathip K.*, Silvera N.*, Sisouvanh P~., Soulileuth B.*, Sounyafong P*., Thammahacksa C*., Viguier M., Lacombe G., Valentin C. & Pierret. A.*, Interactions between land use, fluxes of water and sediments, and the spread of bacterial contaminants in the uplands of northern Lao PDR. In: Nations, F. A. O. (ed) Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution 2018, Rome, Italy, 2018. FAO, p 976.FAO EditionsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Abdourhamane Touré A.`, Tidjani A. D.`, Rajot J.-L.*, Bouet C.*, Garba Z.`, Marticorena B., Ambouta K. J.-M.` (2018) Quantification des flux d’érosion éolienne au cours d’une transition champ-jachère au Sahel (Banizoumbou, Niger). Physio-Géo, 12: 125-14210.4000/physio-geo.6287
Neyret, M.~, Robain, H.*, De Rouw, A.*, Soulileuth, B.`, Trisophon, K.`, Jumpa, K.`, Valentin, C.* The transition from arable lands to rubber tree plantations in northern Thailand impacts weed assemblages and soil physical properties. Soil Use Manage. 34, 404–417.​10.1111/sum.12431
Soil Use and ManagementF2ZCSols_ZC
Kogel-Knabner, I., Rumpel, C.*(2018) Advances in molecuar approaches for understanding soil organic matter composition, origin and turnover – a historical overview. Advances in Agronomy, 149: 1-48.10.1016/bs.agron.2018.01.003
Advances in AgronomyFESTSols_ZC
Paetsch, L., Mueller, C.W., Kogel-Knabner, I…….Rumpel, C.* (2018) Effect of in-situ aged and fresh biochar on soil water holding capacity and microbial C use under drought conditions. Scientific Reports, 8:6852​10.1038/s41598-018-25039-x
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Scientific ReportsFESTSols_ZC
Crème, A., Rumpel, C.*, Le Roux, X., Romian, A., Lan, T., Chabbi, A. (2018) Ley grassland under temperate climatehad a legacy effect on soil organic matter quantity, biogeochemical signature and microbial activities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 122: 203-210.​10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.04.018
Soil Biology & BiochemistryFESTSols_ZC
Galle S., Grippa M., Peugeot C., Bouzou Moussa I., Cappelaere B., Demarty J.,Mougin E.,Panthou G., Adjomayi P., Agbossou E.K., Ba A., Boucher M., Cohard J-M., Descloitres M., Descroix L., Diawara M., Dossou M., Favreau G., Gangneron F., Gosset M., Hector B., Hiernaux P., Issoufou B-A., Kergoat L., Lawin E., Lebel T., Legchenko A., Malam Abdou M., Malam-Issa O.*, Mamadou O., Nazoumou Y., Pellarin T., Quantin G., Sambou B., Seghieri J., Séguis L., Vandervaere J-P. , Vischel T. , Vouillamoz J-M., Zannou A., Afouda S., Alhassane A., Arjounin M., Barral H., Biron R., Cazenave F., Chaffard V., Chazarin J-P., Guyard H., Koné A., Mainassara I., Mamane A.*, Oi M., Ouani T., Soumaguel N., Wubda M., Ago E.E., Alle I. C., Allies A., Arpin-Pont F., Awessou B., Cassé C., Charvet G., Dardel C., Depeyre A.,Diallo F.B., Do T., Fatras C., Frappart F., Gal L., Gascon T., Gibon F., Guiro I., Ingatan A., Kempf J., Kotchoni D.O.V., Lawson F.M.A., Leauthaud C., Louvet S., Mason E., Nguyen C. C., Perrimond B, Pierre C., Richard A., Robert E., Román-Cascón, C., Velluet C, Wilcox C. (2018) AMMA-CATCH, a critical zone observatory in West Africa monitoring a megion in transition. Vadose Zone Journal, Soil science society of America Geological society of America., 17 (1)10.2136/vzj2018.03.0062
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Vadose Zone JournalF2ZCSols_ZC
Valentin Christian*. Les sols au coeur de la zone critique de la Terre. In : Dron D. (ed.), Guérin A.J. (ed.) Sols en danger : réduire l’artificialisation. Responsabilité et Environnement, 2018, 91, p. 6-9. ​
Responsabilité & EnvironnementF2ZCSols_ZC
Ribera-Fonseca, A.E., Rumpel, C.*, Mora, M.S., Cartes, P. (2018)​ Sodium-siliate and calcium-silicate differentlially affect silicon uptake, antioxidant performance and phanolic metabolism of ryegrass in an acid Andisol. Crop&Pasture Science, 69: 205-21510.1071/CP17202
Crop & Pasture ScienceFESTSols_ZC
Rumpel, C., Lehmann, J., Chabbi, A. (2018) ‘4 per 1000’ initiative will boost soil carbon for climate and food security. Nature, 553: 27.​10.1038/d41586-017-09010-w
Dupont S., Rajot J. L.*, Labiadh M.`, Bergametti G., Alfaro S., Bouet C.*, Fernandes R., Khalfallah B., Lamaud E., Marticorena B., Bonnefond J. M., Chevaillier S., Garrigou D., Henry-des-Tureaux T.*, Sekrafi S.`, Zapf P. (2018) Aerodynamic parameters over an eroding bare surface: Reconciliation of the Law of the Wall and Eddy Covariance determinations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 123(9): 4490-4508​10.1029/2017JD027984
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Calabi-Floody, M.; Medina, J.; Rumpel, C.*; Condron, L. M.; Hernandez, M.; Dumont, M.; de la Luz Mora, M. (2018) Smart Fertilizers as a Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture. ADVANCES IN AGRONOMY, 147, 119-15710.1016/bs.agron.2017.10.003
Advances in AgronomyFESTSols_ZC
E. Couic, M. Grimaldi*, V. Alphonse, C. Balland-Bolou-Bi, A. Livet,  S. Giusti-Miller*, M. Sarrazin, N. Bousserrhine, Mercury behaviour and C, N, and P biogeochemical cycles during ecological restoration processes of old mining sites in French Guiana – Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry – 2018 Apr 25;20(4):657-672.10.1039/C8EM00016F
Environmental Science-Processes & ImpactsESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
Poblete-Grant P.°, Biron P.*, Bariac T.*, Cartes P.`, Mora M.L.L.`, Rumpel C*. (2019): Synergistic and antagonistic effects of poultry manure and phosphate rock on soil P availability, ryegrass production, and P uptake. Agronomy , 2019, 9, 191.10.3390/agronomy9040191
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Nguyen, T. M. H.~, G. Billen, J. Garnier, T. P. Q. Le, Q. L. Pham, S. Huon* & E. Rochelle Newall*, 2018. Organic carbon transfers in the subtropical Red River system (Viet Nam): insights on CO2 sources and sinks. Biogeochemistry 138(3):277-295. ​10.1007/s10533-018-0446-x
BiogeochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Barthod J.~, Rumpel C.*, Dignac M-F.* (2018) Composting with additives to improve organic amendments. A review.​ Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38:17​ 10.1007/s13593-018-0491-9
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Agronomy for Sustainable DevelopmentCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Deshmukh, C.`, Guerin, F., Vongkhamsao, A`., Pighini, S., Oudone, P., Sopraseuth, S.`, Godon, A., Rode, W., Guedant, P., Oliva, P., Audry, S., Zouiten, C., Galy-Lacaux, C., Robain, H.*, Ribolzi, O., Kansal, A., Chanudet, V., Descloux, S., Serca, D. Carbon dioxide emissions from the flat bottom and shallow Nam Theun 2 Reservoir: drawdown area as a neglected pathway to the atmosphere. Biogeosciences 15, 1775–1794.​10.5194/bg-15-1775-2018
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Caroline Pierre*, Laurent Kergoat, Pierre Hiernaux, Christian Baron, Gilles Bergametti, Jean‐Louis Rajot*, Amadou Abdourhamane Toure, Gregory S Okin, Beatrice Marticorena, Impact of agropastoral management on wind erosion in Sahelian croplands. Land Degradation & Development10.1002/ldr.2783
Land Degradation & DevelopmentF2ZCSols_ZC
​Lacombe G., Valentin C*, Sounyafong P.’, De Rouw A*, Soulileuth B.’, Silvera N*, Pierret A*, Sengtaheuanghoung O.’, Ribolzi O (2018). Linking crop structure, throughfall, soil surface conditions, runoff and soil detachment : 10 land uses analyzed in Northern Laos. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 616, p. 1330-1338. ISSN 0048-9697.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.185
Science of the Total EnvironmentCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Nicholas P Webb, Caroline Pierre* . Quantifying anthropogenic dust emissions. Earth’s Future10.1002/2017EF000766
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Earths FutureF2ZCSols_ZC
Xu, Y., ……Rumpel, C.*, ​Sparks, D., Bolan, N. (2018) Biochar modulates heavy metal toxicity and improves microbial carbon use efficiency. Science of the Total Environment, 621: 148-15910.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.214
Science of the Total EnvironmentFESTSols_ZC
Rejiba, F.; Schamper, C.; Chevalier, A.; Deleplancque, B.; Hovhannissian, G.*; Thiesson, J.; Weill, P. (2018) Multiconfiguration electromagnetic induction survey for paleochannel internal structure imaging: a case study in the alluvial plain of the River Seine, France. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 22(1), 159-17010.5194/hess-22-159-2018
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Xu, Y.; Seshadri, B.; Sarkar, B.; Rumpel, C.*; Sparks, D.; Bolan, N. S. (2018) Microbial Control of Soil Carbon Turnover. FUTURE OF SOIL CARBON: ITS CONSERVATION AND FORMATION, 165-19410.1016/B978-0-12-811687-6.00006-7
LE CLEC’H S., JEGOU N., ARNAULD DE SARTRE X., DECAENS T., DUFOUR S., GRIMALDI M., JOHAN O. (2018). Impacts of Agricultural Practices and Individual Life Characteristics on Ecosystem Services: A Case Study on Family Farmers in the Context of an Amazonian Pioneer Front. Environmental Management, 61 (5), 772-785https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-018-1004-y
Environmental ManagementSols_ZC
LE CLEC’H S., JEGOU N., DECAENS T., DUFOUR S., GRIMALDI M., OSZWALD J. (2018). From Field Data to Ecosystem Services Maps: Using Regressions for the Case of Deforested Areas Within the Amazon. Ecosystems, 21 (2), 216-236https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-017-0145-9
CLERMONT-DAUPHIN C., DISSATAPORN C., SUVANNANG N., PONGWICHIAN P., MAEGHT J.-L., HAMMECKER C., JOURDAN C. (2018-12). Intercrops improve the drought resistance of young rubber trees. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38 (6), 56https://doi.org/10.1007/s13593-018-0537-z
Agronomy for Sustainable DevelopmentSols_ZC
Bottinelli, N.*, Zhou, H.*`, Capowiez Y., Zhang, Z.`, Jiangping, Q.`, Jouquet, P.*, Peng, X.` (2017) Earthworm burrowing activity of two non-Lumbricidae earthworms species incubated in soils with contrasting organic carbon content (Vertisol vs. Ultisol). Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53: 951-955.​10.1007/s00374-017-1235-8
Biology and Fertility of SoilsFESTSols_ZC
Harit, A.`^, Shanbhag, R.`^, Chaudhary, E.`~, Cheik, S.`~, Jouquet, P.* (2017) Properties and functional impact of termite sheetings. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53: 743-749.​10.1007/s00374-017-1228-7Biology and Fertility of SoilsFESTSols_ZC
​Jouquet, P.*, Caner, L., Bottinelli, N.*, Cheik, S.`~, Riotte, J. (2017) Where do south-Indian termite mound soils come from? Applied Soil Ecology, 117-118, 190-19510.1016/j.apsoil.2017.05.010
Applied Soil EcologyFESTSols_ZC
​Harit, A.`^, Moger, H.`, Duprey, J.L., Abbasi, S.A.`, Subramanian, S.`, Jouquet, P.* (2017) Termites can have greater influence on soil properties through the construction of soil sheetings than the production of above-ground mounds. Insectes Sociaux 67: 247-253.10.1007/s00040-017-0541-3Insectes SociauxFESTSols_ZC
​Shanbhag, R.R.^`, Sundararaj, R.`, Kabbaj, M.`, Jouquet, P.* (2017) Rainfall and soil properties influence termite mound abundance and height. A case study with Odontotermes obesus (Macrotermitinae) mounds in the Indian Western Ghats forests. Applied soil Ecology, 111, 33-38.10.1016/j.apsoil.2016.11.011
Applied Soil EcologyFESTSols_ZC
​Jouquet, P.*, Airola, E.°, Guilleux, N.°, Harit, A.^`, Chaudhary, E.~`, Grellier, S., Riotte, J. (2017)  Abundance and impact on soil properties of cathedral and lenticular termite mounds in Southern Indian woodlands. Ecosystems, 20, 769-780.10.1007/s10021-016-0060-5
Abdourhamane Touré A.`, Tidjani A. D.`, Rajot J.-L.*, Bouet C.*, Garba Z.`, Marticorena B., Ambouta K. J.-M.` (2017) Impacts de la variabilité spatiale de l’occupation des sols sur l’érosion éolienne et les transports de nutriments dans le terroir de Banizoumbou (sud-ouest du Niger). Algerian Journal of Arid Environment, 7(2): 78-89
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Algerian Journal of Arid EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC
​Bergametti G., Marticorena B., Rajot J.L.*, Chatenet B., Féron A., Gaimoz C., Siour G., Coulibaly M. `, Koné I. `, Maman A. `, Zakou A. `, 2017.Dust uplift potential in the Central Sahel: an analysis based on 10 years of meteorological measurements at high temporal resolution. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 12433-12448.10.1002/2017jd027471
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Beaugendre N., Malam Issa O.*, Choné A., Cerdan O. Desprats J-F., Rajot J.L.*, Sannier, C., Valentin C.* (2017) Developing a predictive environment-based model for mapping biological soil crusts patterns at local scale in the Sahel. Catena, 158: 250-265 ISSN 0341-8162 10.1016/j.catena.2017.06.010
Jouquet P*., Pando A*.; Aroui H*.; Harit A.`^; Capowiez Y.; Bottinelli N*.2017. Evidence from Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (MIRS) that the biological fingerprints of Odontotermes obesus termite colonies change according to their geographical location and age. (2017). Insectes Sociaux 65:77–8410.1007/s00040-017-0589-0
Insectes SociauxBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Deeb M.~, Desjardins T.*, Podwojewski P.*, Pando A.*, Blouin M., Lerch T.Z.* (2017) Interactive effects of compost, plants and earthworms on aggregation in constructed Technosols. Geoderma 305: 305–31310.1016/j.geoderma.2017.06.014
GeodermaBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Le Bissonnais Y., Pietro I., Roumet C., Nespoulos J., Metayer J., Huon S.*, Villatoro M., Stockes A. (2018). Soil aggregate stability in Mediterranean and tropical agro-ecosystems: effect of plant root and soil characteristics. Plant and Soil 424, 303-317.10.1007/s11104-017-3423-6
Marichal, R.; Praxedes, C.; Decaens, T.; Grimaldi, M.*; Oszwald, J.; Brown, G. G.; Desjardins, T.*; da Silva Junior, M. L.; Feijoo Martinez, A.; Oliveira, M. N. D.; Velasquez, E.; Lavelle, P.* (2017) Earthworm functional traits, landscape degradation and ecosystem services in the Brazilian Amazon deforestation arc. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY, 83, 43-5110.1016/j.ejsobi.2017.09.003European Journal of Soil BiologyBioDISDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Le Guen M-E., Herrmann L., Robain H.*, Wiriyakitnateekul W.`, de Oliveira T., Robin A., Srimawonge P.`, Bräu L., Lesueur D. (2017) Relevance of taking into account the fine scale soil variability to assess the effects of agricultural inputs on soil characteristics and soil microbial communities: A case study of biochar application in a rubber plantation in North East Thailand. Geoderma 305(2017), 21-29.​10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.05.028GeodermaF2ZCSols_ZC
Rasse, D., Budai, A., O’Toole, A., Ma, X., Rumpel, C.*, Abiven, S.​ (2017) Persistance of Miscantus biochar in laboratory and field conditions. PlosOne, 12(9): e0184383.10.1371/journal.pone.0184383
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Grellier, S., Janeau, J.L.*, Nhon, D.H.`, Cuc, N.T.K., Quynh`, L.T.P., Thao, P.T.T.`, Nhu-Trang, T.T.`, Marchand, C., 2017. Changes in soil characteristics and C dynamics after mangrove clearing (Vietnam). Science of the Total Environment 593, 654-663.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.204
Science of the Total EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Eeckman J., Chevallier Pierre, Boone A., Neppel L., De Rouw Anneke*, Delclaux François, Koirala D.’. Providing a non-deterministic representation of spatial variability of precipitation in the Everest region. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 2017. 1027-5606 10.5194/hess-21-4879-2017
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Hydrology and Earth System SciencesF2ZCSols_ZC
Yang, J., Liu, J., Hu, Y., Rumpel, C.*, Bolan, N., Sparks, D. (2017) Molecular-level understanding of malic acid retention mechanisms in ternary kaolinite-Fe(III)-malic acid systems: The importance of Fe speciation. Chemical Geology, 464, 69-75.​10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.02.018
Chemical GeologyFESTSols_ZC
Rochelle Newall, E*., L. Boithias, C. Bouet*, O. Malam-Issa*, A. Pierret*, O. Ribolzi & E. Roberts, 2017. Accès à l’eau, usage des terres et dégradation des sols: un triptyque qui favorise l’émergence des maladies diarrhéiques. In Loireau, M. & N. Ben Khatra (eds) Désertification et Système Terre, de la (re)connaissance à l’action//Liason Energie-Francophonie. vol 106. Institut de la Francophonie pour le Developpement Durable et l’Organisation International de la Francophonie, Quebec, Canada, 83-85. ​
Liaison Energie-FrancophonieCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Paetsch, L., Mueller, C., Rumpel, C.*, …..Kogel-Knabner, I. (2017) A multi-technique approach to assess the fate of high-temperature biochar in soil and to quntify its effect on soil organic matter composition. Organic Geochemistry, 112, 177-186.10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.06.012
Organic GeochemistryFESTSols_ZC
​Creme, A., Chabbi, A., Gastal, F., Rumpel, C* (2017) Biogeochemical nature of grassland soil organic matter under plant communities with two nitrogen sources. Plant and Soil, 415, 189-201.10.1007/s11104-016-3158-9
Plant and SoilFESTSols_ZC
Huon S.*, Hayashi S., Laceby, J.P., Tsuji H., Onda Y., Evrard O. (2018). Source dynamics of radiocesium contaminated particulate matter deposited in an agricultural water reservoir after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Stoten 612, 1079-1090.​10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.07.205
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Science of the Total EnvironmentF2ZCSols_ZC
​Bottinelli, N.*, Angers, D.A., Hallaire, V., Michot, D., Le Guillou, C., Cluzeau, D., Heddadj, D., Menasseri-Aubry, S. (2017) Tillage and fertilization practices affect soil aggregate stability in a Humic Cambisol of Northwest France. Soil Tillage Res. 170, 14-17.10.1016/j.still.2017.02.008
Soil and Tillage ResearchFESTSols_ZC
Hubert, B., Jacquet, F., Lemaire, E., Guehl, J. M., & Valentin Christian* (2017). Le programme ANR Agrobiosphère: l’importance d’une programmation thématique pour l’émergence de nouveaux concepts. Nature Sciences Sociétés, 25(3): 285-294 ISSN 1240-1307. 10.1051/nss/2017056
Nature Sciences SociétésF2ZCSols_ZC
Marticorena, B., B. Chatenet, J. L. Rajot*, G. Bergametti, A. Deroubaix, J. Vincent, A. Kouoi, C. Schmechtig, M. Coulibaly`, A. Diallo`, I. Koné`, A. Maman`, T. NDiaye`, and A. Zakou`. 2017. Mineral dust over west and central Sahel: Seasonal patterns of dry and wet depositionfluxes from a pluriannual sampling (2006 –2012), Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 122 (2), 1338-1364. 10.1002/2016JD025995
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Ribolzi O., Evrard O., Huon S.*, de Rouw A.*, Silvera N.*, Latsachack K.O.`, Soulileuth B.`, Lefèvre I., Pierret A.*, Lacombe G., Sengtaheuanghoung O.`, Valentin C.* (2017) From shifting cultivation to teak plantation: effect on overland flow and sediment yield in a montane tropical catchment. Scientific Reports, 7: 398710.1038/s41598-017-04385-2
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Hirche A., Podwojewski P.*, Mahamane A., Dalila N., Abdelmadjid B., Mostefa S., Ratiba H., 2017. Dégradation des terres dans les zones sèches circum-sahariennes. In: Loireau Maud (ed.), Ben Khatra N. (ed.) Désertification et système terre : de la (re)connaissance à l’action. Liaison Energie Francophonie, 2017, 105, p. 47-53.​Liaison Energie FrancophonieFESTSols_ZC
Kim, M.`, L. Boithias, K. H. Cho`, N. Silvera, C. Thammahacksa, K. Latsachack*, E. Rochelle-Newall*, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, A. Pierret*, Y. A. Pachepsky & O. Ribolzi, 2017. Hydrological modeling of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in a tropical mountain catchment. Water Research 119:102-113 10.1016/j.watres.2017.04.038
Water ResearchCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Manivanh, L`., A. Pierret*, S. Rattanavong`, O. Kounnavongsa, Y`. Buisson, I. Elliott, J.-L. Maeght*, K. Xayyathip`, J. Silisouk`, M. Vongsouvath`, R. Phetsouvanh`, P. N. Newton, G. Lacombe, O. Ribolzi, E. Rochelle-Newall* & D. A. B. Dance, 2017. Burkholderia pseudomallei in a lowland rice paddy: seasonal changes and influence of soil depth and physico-chemical properties. Scientific Reports 7:3031 10.1038/s41598-017-02946-z
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Kergoat, L.; Guichard, F.; Pierre, C.; Vassal, C. (2017) Influence of dry-season vegetation variability on Sahelian dust during 2002-2015. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 44(10), 5231-523910.1002/2016GL072317
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Mastrolonardo​, G., Hudspith, V.A., Francioso, O., Rumpel, C.*, Doerr, S.G., Certini, G. (2017) Size fractionation as a tool for separating charcoal in the wildfire ash layer with different fuel source and recalcitrance. The Science of the Total Environment, 595, 461-471.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.295
Science of the Total EnvironmentFESTSols_ZC
​Gu, S., Gruau, G., …..Rumpel, C.*, …..Petitjean, P (2017) Release of dissolved phosphorus from reparian wetlands: evidence for complex interactions among hydroclimate viriability, topography and soil properties. Science of the Total Environment, 598, 421-431.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.028
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Science of the Total EnvironmentFESTSols_ZC
KIM, J.H., FOURCAUD, T., JOURDAN, C., MAEGHT*, J.-L., MAO, Z., METAYER, J., MEYLAN, L., PIERRET A*., RAPIDEL, B., ROUPSARD, O., de ROUW, A.*, VILLATORO SANCHEZ, M., WANG, Y., STOKES, A. (2017) Vegetation drives slope stability and its variability through hydrological impacts. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44: 4897-4907. 10.1002/2017gl073174
Geophysical Research LettersCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Bouet C.*, Labiadh M. T.`, Rajot J. L.*, Bergametti G., Marticorena B., Sekrafi S.`, Ltifi M.`, Féron A., Henry des Tureaux T.*, Khatteli H.` (2017), What is the impact of mineral dust on air quality in southern Tunisia? Analysis of 2 years of PM10 concentration, and meteorology monitoring, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, Sousse, Tunisia (27-30 October 2016), Springer, ISSN 1737-3638, vol. 3: Environmental and Health Risk Assessment, pp. 37-45.
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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, Sousse, Tunisia (27-30 October 2016)F2ZCSols_ZC
Robain H.*, Ribolzi O., de Rouw A.*, Silvera N., Souniaphong P., Soulileuth B., Latchasak K., Sengtaheuanghoung O., Valentin C.*, Gaillardet J. Long term (2006-2016) seasonal and inter-annual variability of soil electrical resistivity in a Laotian catchment of the OZCAR network. Impact of land use change, soil type and rainfall. 2017. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU. ​
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Geophysical Research AbstractsF2ZCSols_ZC
​Jenkins, J.R., Viger, M., Harris, Z., …..Rumpel, C., ….Taylor, G. (2017) Biochar alters th esoil microbiome and soil functions: results of next generation amplicon sequencing across Europe. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 9, 591-612.10.1111/gcbb.12371
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Global Change Biology BioenergyFESTSols_ZC
​Chabbi, A., Lehmann, J., Ciais, P……Rumpel, C. (2017) Aligning agriculture and climate policy. Nature Climate Change, 7, 307-30910.1038/nclimate3286
Nature Climate ChangeFESTSols_ZC
Briand C.^, Sebilo M.*, Louvat P., Chesnot T., Vaury V.*, Schneider M & Plagnes V. (2017). Legacy of contaminant N sources to the NO3- signature in rivers: a combined isotopic (δ15N- NO3-, δ18O- NO3-, δ11B) and microbiological investigation. Scientific Reports. 710.1038/srep41703
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Scientific ReportsEMSDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Criscuoli, I.; Baronti, S.; Alberti, G.; Rumpel, C.*; Giordan, M.; Camin, F.; Ziller, L.; Martinez, C.; Pusceddu, E.; Miglietta, F. (2017) Anthropogenic charcoal-rich soils of the XIX century reveal that biochar leads to enhanced fertility and fodder quality of alpine grasslands. PLANT AND SOIL, 411(1-2), 499-51610.1007/s11104-016-3046-3
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Huon, S.*; Evrard, O.; Gourdin, E.; Lefevre, I.; Bariac, T.*; Reyss, J.-L.; Henry des Tureaux, T.*; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Ayrault, S.; Ribolzi, O. (2017) Suspended sediment source and propagation during monsoon events across nested sub-catchments with contrasted land uses in Laos. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY-REGIONAL STUDIES, 9, 69-8410.1016/j.ejrh.2016.11.018
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Thanh Thuy Nguyen Tu; Egasse, C.; Anquetil, C.; Zanetti, F.; Zeller, B.; Huon, S.*; Derenne, S. (2017) Leaf lipid degradation in soils and surface sediments: A litterbag experiment. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY, 104, 35-4110.1016/j.orggeochem.2016.12.001
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Panettieri, M.; Rumpel, C.*; Dignac, M. -F.*; Chabbi, A. (2017) Does grassland introduction into cropping cycles affect carbon dynamics through changes of allocation of soil organic matter within aggregate fractions? SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 576, 251-26310.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.073
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Podwojewski, P.; Poulenard, J. (2017) Paramos Soils. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOIL SCIENCE, VOLS I-III, 3RD EDITION, 1648-165110.1081/E-ESS3-120017326
Poulenard, J.; Podwojewski, P. (2017) Alpine Soils. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOIL SCIENCE, VOLS I-III, 3RD EDITION, 101-10410.1081/E-ESS3-120017544
Rumpel, C.; Dignac, M. F.; Chabbi, A. (2017) Soil Organic Matter (SOM): Composition and Dynamics. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOIL SCIENCE, VOLS I-III, 3RD EDITION, , 2126-212810.1081/E-ESS3-120044719
Nizinski, Jerzy Jan; Ziernicka-Wojtaszek, Agnieszka; Ksiazek, Leszek; Gawronski, Krzysztof; Montoroi, Jean-Pierre; Zaghloul, Alaa; Ali, Rafat R.; Saber, Mohamed (2017) ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION OF THE ORANGE ORCHARD IN NORTHERN SINAI, EGYPT. ACTA SCIENTIARUM POLONORUM-FORMATIO CIRCUMIECTUS10.15576/ASP.FC/2017.16.4.187ACTA SCIENTIARUM POLONORUM-FORMATIO CIRCUMIECTUSF2ZCSols_ZC
Vidal A.,Quénéa K.,Alexis M.,Tu TTN.,Mathieu J.,Vaury V*.,Derenne S. (2017). Fate of 13C labelled root and shoot residues in soil and anecic earthworm casts: A mesocosm experiment. Geoderma.285: 9-1810.1016/j.geoderma.2016.09.016
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Laceby P., Huon S., Onda Y., Vaury V*., Evrard O. (2016). Do forests represent a long-term perennial source of contaminated particulate matter in the Fukushima Prefecture? Journal of Environmental Management. 183: 742-753.10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.09.020
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Journal of Environmental ManagementF2ZCSols_ZC
Tramoy R., Salpin M., Schnyder J., Person A., Sebilo M., Yans J., Vaury V*., Fozzani J., Bauer H. (2016). Stepwise paleoclimate change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition recorded in continental NW Europe by mineralogical assemblages and δ15Norg (Rennes Basin, France). Terra Nova. 28 (3): 212-220​10.1111/ter.12212
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Terra NovaF2ZCSols_ZC
Mothet A., Sebilo M., Laverman A.M., Vaury V*., Mariotti A. (2013). Is site preference of N2O a sufficient tool to identify benthic denitrifier N2O? Environmental Chemistry. 10 (4): 281-28410.1071/EN13021Environmental ChemistryF2ZCSols_ZC
Nguyen Tu TT., Biron P., Maseyk K., Richard P., Zeller B., Quénéa K., Alexis M., Bardoux G., Vaury V*., Girardin C., Pouteau V., Billiou D., Bariac T. (2013). Variability of 13C-labeling in plant leaves. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 27 (17): 1961-196810.1002/rcm.6650
Rapid Communications in Mass SpectrometryF2ZCSols_ZC

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Membres du département

Nom PrénomCorpsEmployeurDépartement et ÉquipeAdresseTéléphoneMél
ARNAUD MariePost-doctoranteS-UÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 505
BAKHOS MelissaDoctoranteS-UÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFE ; Équipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 512
BIRON PhilippeIRS-UÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 510
(+33) 01-44-27-34-03philippe.biron@sorbonne-universite.fr
BOTTINELLI NicolasCRIRDÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
– 1er étage – bureau : 0
BOUBACAR AMADOU NouhouDoctorantUniv. Abdou Moumouni, NigerÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : 109
BOUET ChristelCRIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : 240
(+33) 01-45-17-16-73christel.bouet@ird.fr
COLOMBINI GabinPost-doctorantIRDÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFE ; Équipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 510
(+33) 01-44-27-34-03gabin.colombini@sorbonne-universite.fr
DESJARDINS ThierryCRIRDÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – RDC – bureau : 10
(+33) 01-48-02-55-01thierry.desjardins@ird.fr
FOUCHÉ-GROBLA OlivierMCCNAMÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : A109
(+33) 01-48-02-55-31olivier.fouche-grobla@ird.fr
GARCIA IBARRA FátimaDoctoranteS-UÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvo ; Équipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 508
(+33) 01-44-27-36-10fatima.garcia_ibarra@sorbonne-universite.fr
HENRY DES TUREAUX ThierryAIIRDÉquipe EMS du Département DCFE ; Équipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : 102
(+33) 01-48-02-55-57thierry.henry-des-tureaux@ird.fr
HOVHANNISSIAN GaghikIRIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCretour
bâtiment administratif – 1er étage – bureau : 1.3
HUON SylvainMCS-UÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 56-66 – 4e étage – bureau : 418
(+33) 01-44-27-72-82sylvain.huon@sorbonne-universite.fr
HUOT HermineCRIRDÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 506
(33) 01-44-27-32-96hermine.huot@ird.fr
JOUQUET PascalDRIRDÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment P – 1er étage – bureau : 110
MACEIRAS MarionAIS-UÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 502
MAHUZIER ChristopheTIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : 220
(+33) 01-48-02-56-00christophe.mahuzier@ird.fr
MALAM ISSA OumarouDRIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : 228
(+33) 01-48-02-55-45oumarou.malamissa@ird.fr
MIKAJLO IrinaPost-doctoranteIRDÉquipe BioDIS du Département DCFE ; Équipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – RDC – bureau : A1
(+33) 01-48-02-55-90irina.mikajlo@ird.fr
NASRI BehzadIRIRDÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : 110
(+33) 01-48-02-55-03behzad.nasri@ird.fr
NDIONE OusmaneDoctorantS-UÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
– 2e étage – bureau : 211
PIERRE CarolineCRCNRSÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 512
(+33) 01-44-27-32-96caroline.pierre@upmc.fr
PODWOJEWSKI PascalDRIRDÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : 1
(+33) 01-48-02-55-00pascal.podwojewski@ird.fr
RAJOT Jean LouisCRIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCUniv. Paris Est Créteil
MSE – 2e étage – bureau : 207
(+33) 01-82-39-20-53jeanlouis.rajot@ird.fr
RAYNAL Paul-AlainDoctorantUPECÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 0
ROBAIN HenriCRIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – 1er étage – bureau : A112
(+33) 01-48-02-55-66henri.robain@ird.fr
RUMPEL CorneliaDRCNRSÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 510
(+33) 01-44-27-51-71cornelia.rumpel@inrae.fr
SILVERA NorbertIEIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCA l’étranger (expatrié-e) – détaché-e
NAFRI – RDC – bureau : 1
(+856) 00-21-45-27-07norbert.silvera@gmail.com
SMAILI LotfiTIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – RDC – bureau : A102
(+33) 01-48-02-55-57lotfi.smaili@ird.fr
VALENTIN ChristianDRIRDÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCIRD Bondy
bâtiment A – RDC – bureau : Virtuelle
(+33) 01-43-25-40-17christian.valentin@ird.fr
VAURY VéroniqueIES-UÉquipe F2ZC du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 56-66 – 4e étage – bureau : 417
(+33) 01-44-27-50-27veronique.vaury@upmc.fr
VÉDÈRE CharlottePost-doctoranteS-UÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 502
ZAISS RainerIEIRDÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 235
ZI YacoubaDoctorantS-UÉquipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 512

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