Administrative services - iEES Paris

The administrative center is made up of a team of accounting managers / secretaries and a communication team.

Accounting management and secretariats

The administrative center is made up of a team of accounting managers / secretaries and a communication team.


Each research site has a secretariat to welcome new entrants, visitors and take care of the administrative formalities related to the reception of staff in our structures.

If you want to know the addresses, the access plans of our sites, as well as the reception contacts, please visit the “Research locations” page.

Accounting management

The managers are responsible for the accounting and financial management of the entire UMR. The skills of financial managers have been pooled in order to ensure better continuity of the service provided to people and teams.

The service manages:

  • the distribution of the budgets allocated by our supervisors and the contracts obtained by the researchers;
  • the application of the budgetary regulations of each of our departments;
  • purchases;
  • mission orders and expense reports;
  • closing budgets;
  • recruitment requests.
General administrator is responsible for the administrative and financial management of iEES Paris. She leads the team of managers / secretaries.


The communication team is made up of 2 people: the internal communication manager and the institute’s external communication manager. It is chaired by  one of the Assistant Directors. and the General administrator.

The service plays an advisory role in communication and contributes to the development of the communication strategy and its implementation.

You can contact them using:

Internal communication

The head of internal communication ensures:

  • production of the weekly internal letter ADMINEWS
  • editorial management of the intranet
  • dissemination of internal information
  • management of internal distribution and discussion lists
  • quarterly update of pdf organizational charts
  • and updating the “directory” lists of staff levels on the P&M Curie campus

External communication

The head of external communication ensures:

  • development and monitoring of visual and digital identity (graphic charter, logotype, templates)
  • the design and evolution of the website
  • editorial management of the site and its newsletter
  • the promotion of scientific work with the supervisory authorities
  • animation of social networks
  • administration of the CORE CNRS sharepoint space
  • the implementation of information gathering tools
  • creating infographics
  • the organization of scientific events
  • and the management of the UMR photo library